Online application via the ahoi application portal

For a successful application at the HafenCity Universit?t 足球比分,即时比分直播 you have to apply via the ahoi application portal of the Hafen City Univeristy within the application period.

If you acquired your higher education entrance qualification not in Germany?please read the information?under the menu item "international prospective students" carefully.


In compliance with article 10 of the General Admission Regulation (AZO), applicants for Bachelor programmes have to prove their compulsory participation in an online testing procedure provided by HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播 (HCU) before submitting their application. This self-test is an admission requirement and is supposed to provide guidance in making the right decision for the Bachelor degree programme of interest and shall help prevent a possible withdrawal from the studies. The participation in this self-test is compulsory. However, it will not affect the selection process in Terms of study places.

HCU offers this self-test procedure as part of the online study orientation for the available Bachelor
programmes and allows its completion with the start of the application period from 1st June on.

You will have the opportunity to register for the?online study orientation?in order to save already answered sections and to continue with the remaining parts of the test at a later point if you wish. Should you decide to complete the online study orientation anonymously and without any registration, please be advised that it will not be possible for you to save your answers between the different test sections.

After finishing the online study orientation, you will be provided with an 8-digit code that needs to be stated on your ahoi online application. Please make a note of the relevant code if you completed the?online study orientation?anonymously.

The ahoi online application can only be submitted electronically with a valid online testing procedure code. Invalid codes will be deleted by the system immediately.





All Bachelor's degree programs at HCU participate in the Dialogue-Oriented Service Procedure (DoSV), so you must first register via Once your registration has been confirmed and you have activated your account, you will receive a unique Applicant ID and an Applicant Authorization Number (BAN). You will need both your Applicant ID and your BAN in order to apply for undergraduate courses at the HCU. You will find further information here.

If you want to take part in the selection process at the HCU, you have to create an application account via the?ahoi portal?within the?application period. Under the menu item "Create Account" you can create your application account. This can be done only at the application period. After you have entered your data, please choose "create". Thereafter you will get your access data for the online application by email. If necessary please also check your spam filter settings.


If you are enrolled at HCU, you already have an ahoi-account. Please apply via your existing account. For the login in the ahoi-portal you will need your HCU user name (for example: htl123) and your password. If you have your HCU user name but not your password, you can reset your password at the Infothek. It is only possible, if you show them your identity card or passport.

After you created an application account please enter your personal data correctly and submit the online application electronically.

It is sufficient for a in due form application to fill the online application and "submit" it electronically within the application period. In case of an admission it is neccessary to submit a certified copy of your higher education entrance qualification. Please don't send us documents unless you belong to the following exception:


1. A Non-German higher education entrance qualification

Applicants who did not acquire their higher education entrance qualification in Germany and applied for the HCU via uni-assist, it is sufficient to submit the ahoi online application electronically within the application period. The evaluation report and your certificate documents will be transmitted by uni-assist. Further information you can find here.


If you have a recognition note with a conversion into the German grading system of another authority, then you have to upload to the HCU cloud the recognition note together with your higher education entrance qualification (original language and a translation in German or English), your language certificate and the printed and signed online application.






Preliminary examination documentation from other universities will not be accepted at the HCU. You must apply directly to uni-assist for the HCU. If you have a recognition note from another authority, please inform yourself in advance at the Student Service Center whether this is sufficient for the application.



2. Assessment test at a German Studienkolleg

If you completed the assessment test at a German college-preparatory school (Studienkolleg) you have to upload to the HCU cloud a copy of your certificate along with the printed and signed online application form within the application period. If the certificate of the assesment test doesn't show the grade of your foreign school certificate you must submit the evaluation report of uni-assist (Vorprüfungsdokumentation (VPD)) within the application period. If you don't have a conversion of your foreign school certificate into the German grading system of uni-assist you have to apply via uni-assist.


3. Special application

If you file a special application, you have to upload proof/documents together with the special application to the HCU cloud within the application period. Please note that you have to submit the special application electronically too. Further information you can find here.


4. Final failed exam

In case of a final failed mandatory exam at another university required by the Examination Regulation of the HCU, please upload to the HCU cloud the printed and signed ahoi online application together with a clearance issued by the student counsellors of your chosen HCU study programme and most recent transcript of records within the application period.


The printed and signed ahoi online application and the necessary documents have to upload to the HCU cloud in a PDF file (maximum 70 MB) until the application deadline.

The PDF file have to be named as follows: surname, first name, ahoi application number.

After submitting the ahoi online application, you will receive the upload link by email.
