Admission procedure

At the HafenCity University the study places for bachelor are awarded as follows:


  • All applicants according to § 8 AZO have to deducted beforehand of the defined admission numbers
  • 10 % foreign-students quota (for foreign national and stateless person, unless on a par with Germans)
  • 5 % hardship quota (for person, who a refusal denote a extraordinary hardship)
  • 2 % top athlete quota (for sportsmen and women who belong to a formed at federal level A, B, C or D/C squad of a top professional association of the German Olympic Committee of the Olympic Training Center 足球比分,即时比分直播/Schleswig-Holstein (OSP) supervised sport (athletes) and for this reason are bounded to 足球比分,即时比分直播 as a study place)
  • 3 % for applicants without a school entrance qualification (vocational qualification)
  • 90 % achievement quota
  • 10 % waiting quota


Information about admission restriction (Numerus Clausus)

Below is an explanation as to how grades and waiting periods relate to admission restriction policies. The following frequently-asked questions reveal several common misconceptions about restriction policies:

  • Which restrictions apply to the upcoming sememster?
  • How does waiting improve my grade?
  • If I am rejected, am I added to the waiting list?

The following information aims to clear up any misconceptions about restriction policies.


The term NC denotes, first and foremost, an admission restriction. A degree program is restricted if a university decides before the start of a semester that only a limited number of applicants may be admitted. If there are more applications than the limitation allows for, there is a selection procedure in accordance with the above-mentioned criteria.

At the moment all bachelor degree programmes with the exception of Geodesy and Geoinformatics and Smart Building Engineering?are restricted.

If you want to apply for the bachelor programme Architecture or Civil Engineering you get extra points for a successful completed technical and subject-specific professional training. Please click the words "Architecture" or "Civil Engineering" and you see for which professional training you get extra points.

For the awarding of study places we use a special conversion system. The grade of your higher education entrance qualification is converted in points (for example: grade 1,0 will be 45 points) and is multiplied with a weighting factor of 3. For the succesful completed technical and subject-specific professional training you get extra 15 points.

In the table below you see which points conform with the grade of your higher education entrance qualification.

Grade point average of the higher education entrance qualification result = System to convert the grade point average of the higher education entrance qualifacation. The points will be multiplicated with 3. Maybe you will get extra points for a subject-specifc vocational education for the bachelor programme Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geomatics result with extra points
1,00 45,00 15 60
1,10 43,50 15 58,5
1,20 42,00 15 57
1,30 40,50 15 55,5
1,40 39,00 15 54
1,50 37,50 15 52,5
1,60 36,00 15 51
1,70 34,50 15 49,5
1,80 33,00 15 48
1,90 31,50 15 46,5
2,00 30,00 15 45
2,10 28,50 15 43,5
2,20 27,00 15 42
2,30 25,50 15 40,5
2,40 24,00 15 39
2,50 22,50 15 37,5
2,60 21,00 15 36
2,70 19,50 15 34,5
2,80 18,00 15 33
2,90 16,50 15 31,5
3,00 15,00 15 30
3,10 13,50 15 28,5
3,20 12,00 15 27
3,30 10,50 15 25,5
3,40 9,00 15 24
3,50 7,50 15 22,5
3,60 6,00 15 21
3,70 4,50 15 19,5
3,80 3,00 15 18
3,90 1,50 15 16,5
4,00 0 15 15

The first step consists in ranking applicants - both by grade + successfully completed technical and subject-specific professional training (achievement ranking) and by the amount of time, counted as a half-year or semester, since the applicant has received his Abitur or secondary-school leaving degree (waiting period ranking).


In the grade rankings, an applicant's Abiturnote (final or overall grade for secondary-school leaving degree) and at the bachelor degree programme Architecture and Civil Engineering extra a successfully completed technical and subject-specific professional training determines the ranking in relation to other applicants. Therfore the achievement ranking of the bachelor degree programmes are carried out with the help of a point system. If two applicants have the same number of points, a lottery procedure is use.


Applicants on the waiting list are ranked according to the number of half-years since they have received their Abitur (secondary school leaving certificate). The waiting period accrues from the date on which the secondary school leaving certificate (Abitur) was obtained. Please note, however, that during this time, applicants may not be enrolled at another university in Germany or abroad (periods of study are not counted as "waiting time"). If the waiting period is the same for several applicants, a lottery procedure is used. Applicants may not wait more than 16 semester.



There is no local succession procedure for the study programmes participating in the DoSV.? Study places are allocated during the coordination phase.

The unrestricted degree programmes Geodesy and Geoinformatics and Smart Building Engineering take part in the "Coordinated succession procedure" in the DoSV.

Further information you can find here.

Once the entire succession procedure has been completed, a so-called NC Wert (threshold value) can be established - one according to grade plus a successfully completed technical and subject-specific professional training (only in Architecture and Civil Engineering) and one according to waiting time. Therefore the achievement threshold value corresponds to the number of points (grade + professional training) accrued by the last applicant admitted from the achievement list. The waiting period threshold value corresponds to the waiting time accrued by the last applicant admitted from the waiting list.


A grade point average does not improve according to the amount of time an applicant waits. Threshold values always reflect the relationship between supply (number of places) and demand (number of applicants). Threshold values can only provide information about past, not future, selection procedures. No one establishes a threshold value for a future selection procedure; threshold values are based solely on the grades and waiting times of the last applicants on the admission lists. You can find past restriction values below. There you can also find out about the ratios of places and applicants.



Admission numbers

Bachelor degree programme Capacity Applications Admission till number of points Waiting time
Architecture 90 1021 36 16
Civil Engineering 150 387 3 0
Geodesy and Geoinformatics open admission 47 open admission open admission
Digital Urban Cultures 45 112 15 4
Urban Planning 70 450 31,5 12
Smart Building Engineering open admission 41 open admission open admission
Bachelor degree programme Capacity Applications Admission till number of points Waiting time
Architecture 90 1099 33 10
Civil Engineering 150 354 3 0
Geodesy and Geoinformatics open admission 41 open admission open admission
Digital Urban Cultures 45 102 3 0
Urban Planning 70 433 25,5 10
Smart Building Engineering open admission 20 open admission open admission
Degree programme Capacity Applications Admission till number of points Waiting time
Bachelor Architecture 90 1008 33 11
Bachelor Civil Engineering 150 390 6 0
Bachelor Geodesy und Geoinformatics open admission 39 open admission open admission
Bachelor Metropolitan Culture 45 76 7,5 0
Bachelor Urban Planning 70 387 25,5 12
Degree programme Capacity Applications Admission till number of points Waiting time
Bachelor Architecture 90 1114 31,5 12
Bachelor Civil Engineering 150 380 4,5 0
Bachelor Geodesy und Geoinformatics open admission 51 open admission open admission
Bachelor Metropolitan Culture 45 102 6 0
Bachelor Urban Planning 70 409 27 9
Degree programme Capacity Applications Admission till number of points Waiting time
Bachelor Architecture 90 1279 34,5 14
Bachelor Civil Engineering 150 431 4,5 0
Bachelor Geodesy und Geoinformatics open admission 65 open admission open admission
Bachelor Metropolitan Culture 45 118 7,5 0
Bachelor Urban Planning 70 537 28,5 10
degree programme capacity applications admission till number of points waiting time
bachelor Architecture 90 942 31,5 10
bachelor Civil Engineering 150 458 6 -
bachelor Geodesy and Geoinformatics open admission 70 open admission open admission
bachelor Metropolitan Culture 45 150 16,5 8
bachelor Urban Planning 70 518 28,5 10
degree programme capacity applications admission till number of points waiting time
bachelor Architecture 90 942 31,5 10
bachelor Civil Engineering 150 458 6 -
bachelor Geodesy and Geoinformatics open admission 70 open admission open admission
bachelor Metropolitan Culture 45 150 16,5 8
bachelor Urban Planning 70 518 28,5 10
degree programme capacity applications admission till number of points waiting time
bachelor Architecture 90 1219 33 12
bachelor Civil Engineering 150 706 18 4
bachelor Geodesy and Geoinformatics open admission 120 open admission open admission
bachelor Metropolitan Culture 45 251 24 9
bachelor Urban Planning 70 767 30 10
degree programme capacity applications admission till number of points waiting time
bachelor Architecture 90 1435 33 11
bachelor Civil Engineering 150 782 16,5 2
bachelor Geomatic open admission 132 open admission open admission
bachelor Metropolitan Culture 45 283 22,5 8
bachelor Urban Planning 70 793 28,5 10