Current Scholarship Opportunities

Scholarships for international students at HCU ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥

The following scholarships are aimed at international students enrolled at HCU ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥. If you are interested in one of the scholarships, please read the following information carefully.
Your application can only be successful if you fulfil the application criteria and if you submit all required documents in due time. The HCU F?rderausschuss respectively the Department of Student Financing of the Studierendenwerk ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥ decides on the awarding of scholarships.

Particulary committed international students at HafenCity University (HCU) ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥ can apply for scholarships financed by DAAD funds from the Federal Foreign Office as part of the STIBET I scholarship programme. The scholarships are advertised once a year and are usually awarded over a period of five months.
The scholarship committee of the HCU ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥ decides on the awarding of the scholarships. The scholarship committee consists of a professor, an international student of the HCU and an employee of the International Office of the HCU. The amount of the scholarships is based on the number of selected scholarship holders; as a rule, the amount is not less than €400 per month per recipient.

The call for applications and the application deadline for a Scholarship for highly committed International Students in 2024 expired on 4 June 2024. The next call for applications is expected to take place in spring 2025. All HCU students will be informed about the start of the call for applications by e-mail, on the HCU homepage and on social media.

Requirements for the application are:

  • you have no German citizenship
  • you are enrolled as a student at the HCU (Bachelor or Master)
  • you have acquired your university entrance qualification abroad
  • you have received good grades so far
  • you stand out through your voluntary commitment in an international or intercultural context atthe HCU
  • you do not receive a full scholarship from a German or foreign organization at the same time
  • You are not entitled to BAf?G

All further information on the application procedure will also be available here on this page from the beginning of spring 2025. Take the chance and apply for a DAAD STIBET-1 scholarship!

Hafen City University awards the ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥ Scholarships based on Academic Merit for international Students to outstanding international students.The scholarships are advertised once a year and are usually awarded over a period of five months. The F?rderausschuss (scholarship committee) of the HCU ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥ decides on the awarding of the scholarships. The F?rderausschuss consists of a professor, an international student of the HCU and an employee of the International Office of the HCU. The amount of the scholarships is based on the number of selected scholarship holders; as a rule, the amount is not less than €400 per month per recipient. The maximum amount of the scholarship is based on the other side on the guidelines of the BWFGB (Beh?rde f¨¹r Wissenschaft, Forschung, Gleichstellung und Bezirke).

The call for applications and the application deadline for a merit scholarship in 2024 expired on 4 June 2024. The next call for applications is expected to take place in spring 2025. All HCU students will be informed about the start of the call for applications by e-mail, on the HCU homepage and on social media.

Requirements for the application are:

  • You have acquired your university entrance qualification abroad ("Bildungsausl?nder") and do not have German citizenship.
  • You are not entitled to BAf?G.
  • You are enrolled in your subject at HCU ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥ at the time of application:
  • In a Bachelor's degree program:
    - At least two semesters of study at HCU ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥,
    - Study status no more than two semesters above the standard period of study,
    ?- an above-average academic performance
  • In a Master's programm:
    - Minimum of one semester of study at HCU ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥,
    - Study status no more than two semesters above the standard period of study,
    - An above-average academic performance.
  • Simultaneous funding from the merit scholarship program and from other public funds is excluded.
  • No leave of absence is possible during the funding period.

All further information on the application procedure will also be available here on this page from the beginning of spring 2025. Take the chance and apply for a ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥ Scholarships based on Academic Merit for international Students!

Are you a foreign student and are you in the examination phase? Your financial resources have been used up or you can no longer work so much on the side because you need your strength for your thesis? In 2025, the city of ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥ will continue to provide financial means to support you.
The Studierendenwerk ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥ will carry out the application procedure and is therefore your contact partner.


  • Your financial situation is tense. This means that you do not have the necessary financial means to cover your monthly costs. Your family cannot support you financially and you do not receive sufficient funds from other donors, e.g. scholarships from other organisations, or BAf?G.
  • You are expected to complete your studies within 12 months. One of your professors will confirm that.

Application procedure

  • You can get the application forms via email to Studierendenwerk ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥. The application round starts on 15. 11. 2024 and ends on 31. 12. 2024. ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥ing from this date you can request the application documents.
  • You submit the completed forms (including the forecast of a professor) and the required documents (e.g.account statements) via email to the end of the deadline.
  • The responsible funding committee will make the decisions. Depending on the amount of available funds, the number of applications and the income situation of the applicants, the amount of the scholarship can vary considerably. You will be informed about the outcome. If the grant is accepted, we will transfer the stated amount to your account on a monthly basis.

Application deadline: 31. 12. 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact the Studierendenwerk ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥, Nagelsweg 39, 20097 ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥

Telephone information 040-42815-5144 or -5145
Mon and Wed 09:00-11.00 h
Tuesday 10:00-12:00 h
Thursday 14:00-17:00 h

All information on the application for an exam scholarship can be found here:
Information sheet for exam Scholarship 2025 engl


Each year, the DAAD Prize, which is endowed with €1,000 and funded by the Federal Foreign Office, honours outstanding international students and doctoral candidates who have distinguished themselves through special academic achievements as well as remarkable social or intercultural commitment. The aim of the award is to emphasise to a wider public the enrichment that international students and doctoral candidates make to the university community.

All international students pursuing a degree at HCU (not visiting or exchange students) can be nominated for the award. All HCU professors and lecturers have the right to nominate candidates. The HCU Sponsorship Committee decides on the awarding of the DAAD Prize, taking the following criteria into account:

  • Outstanding academic achievements
  • Remarkable social and/or intercultural commitment

Candidates should be at an advanced stage of their Bachelor's (at least 2nd or 3rd year of study) or Master's programme (at least 2nd semester), have good academic achievements and be socially committed. In addition, young graduates (i.e. graduation is generally no more than 3 months ago) and doctoral students can also be nominated. Please note that the prize is not a research prize.

The deadline for submitting proposals for the DAAD Prize 2024 has expired. The submission period for proposals for the DAAD 2025 is expected to start in spring 2025; you will find further information here.

If you are an international student and think that you meet the requirements and could be nominated for the DAAD Prize, please do not hesitate to contact your lecturers.

KAAD Scholarship programme 2 (Katholischer Akademischer Ausl?nder-Dienst) is also aimed at international students. Scholarship applications are made via the Katholische Hochschulgemeinde ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥ (KHG). Please find further information on how to apply here:


Who can apply?

You can apply for the KAAD Scholarship Programme 2 if you:

  • come from a developing or emerging country in Africa, Asia, the Middle East or Latin America,
  • are already studying in Germany and have at least 10 months of study remaining,
  • would like to pursue a Master's degree (application possible in the final semesters of the Bachelor's degree), a Diplom or Magister degree (application at the earliest after the intermediate examination or Vordiplom) or a PhD at a German higher education institution,
  • are of Catholic denomination (or belong to a Christian denomination, which applies especially for students from the Near and Middle East). Applicants from another religion can be supported if they are proposed by
  • Catholic partners in view of a documentable willingness to engage in interreligious dialogue,
  • have knowledge of the German language at least at a communication level.

What does KAAD expect from you?

  • an above-average performance potential for studies or research,
  • orientation of studies or research towards a permanent reintegration into the respective home region (otherwise the scholarship is considered a loan),
  • ?religious and social commitment or willingness to engage in inter-religious dialogue
  • German language skills of at least level B1 (or at least A2 in the case of English-language degree programmes) for participation in our compulsory educational programme. Preparatory German courses in the home country are expected. In addition, there is the possibility to apply for a language course (full-time or during studies).

?How to apply?

The selection committee meets twice a year. You can find out the exact application deadlines from your KHG/KSG.
If you are interested, please contact the responsible KHG/KSG at your university:

Kath. Hochschulgemeinde ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥
Sedanstr. 23
20146 ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥
×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥, Erzbistum ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥
Tel.: (040) 44 50 66 880
Email: info(at)

Scholarships for students at HCU ×ãÇò±È·Ö,¼´Ê±±È·ÖÖ±²¥

Here you will find various scholarships as well as the DAAD scholarship database. If you are interested in a grant opportunity, please read the information on the scholarships carefully. Pay particular attention to whether you fulfil the requirements for the scholarship and the deadlines for applications.

Would you like to get an overview of the funding opportunities offered by the DAAD and other funding organisations for a study visit to Germany?

Here you will find information on funding opportunities for German and international students, graduates and postdocs

as well as funding opportunities for a stay abroad.


The Neufert Foundation awards scholarships to students of architecture, landscape architecture and the faculty of urban planning.

Since 2007, the Neufert Foundation has been supporting Bachelor graduates of architecture, urban development and landscape architecture who plan to complete a Master programme abroad, with a one-time scholarship. The scholarship may also be awarded to foreign students who complete their Master programme at a German university.

All students of architecture, urban development and landscape architecture, graduating from a German university, who are planning to continue with their Masters programme abroad are eligible for the scholarship.
Additionally, international students with a Bachelor degree (or country equivalent) may apply for the scholarship if they intend to start and complete a Masters programme in Germany.

Deadline of Application
The application deadline begins annually on 01 March and ends on 15 May.
Download application documents as PDF

About the Neufert Foundation
The Neufert Foundation was established in 2001 to preserve the lifetime achievements of the architects Ernst Neufert (1900 - 1986) and Peter Neufert (1926 - 1999). The foundation is dedicated to preserve the Neufert House in Weimar and continue the Bauentwurfslehre.

One of Peter and Ernst Neufert's objectives was to promote the apprenticeship of young people.The foundation awards scholarships to architecture students annually and additionally organises exhibitions and events in the Neufert Box in the garden of the Neufert House in Weimar.

For further information see