Application for a Bachelor degree with a non-German higher education entrance qualification

You want to apply as a first semester student for a study place at the HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播 and you acquired your higher education entrance qualification not in Germany?

If so, than we will explain here step by step how to apply at the HafenCity University.


Before you start with the application, please inform yourself carefully about the degree programme you want to study. More information you will find here.

You will find under the menue item "application dates"information about the application period and deadline.


If you want to apply for the bachelor programme Architecture, Civil Engineering, Metropolitan Culture or Urban Planning you have to register for an account on Hochschulstart. You will need to enter your personal data, such as your name, date of birth, place of birth, and nationality along with your contact data, such as your mailing address and telephone number(s). You will be able to select your own username and password. Once your registration has been confirmed and you have activated your account, you will receive a unique Applicant ID and eventually an Applicant Authorization Number (BAN). You will need both your Applicant ID and your BAN in order to apply for undergraduate courses at the HCU.

Further information you will find here.

Once you know what you want to study than you have to reviewed your higher education entrance qualification by uni-assist.

You will find here further information about the application via uni-assist.


Preliminary examination documentation from other universities will not be accepted at the HCU. You must apply directly to uni-assist for the HCU. If you have a recognition note of another authority, please inform yourself in advance at the Student Service Center whether this is sufficient for the application.


All applicants with a Non-German higher education entrance qualification have to prove sufficient German language skills in the course of the application process. Please make sure that you prepare in good time for requisite German language exams.

Please submit the proof of German language skills with your application within the application procedure. If you are able to prove that you are currently attending an appropriate language course or that the exam has already been taken and the results are still pending within the application periode then the proof of German language skills can be subsequently submitted to the enrolment (first part of August).

In compliance with article 10 of the General Admission Regulation (AZO), applicants for Bachelor programmes have to prove their compulsory participation in an online testing procedure provided by HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播 (HCU) before submitting their application. This self-test is an admission requirement and is supposed to provide guidance in making the right decision for the Bachelor degree programme of interest and shall help prevent a possible withdrawal from the studies. The participation in this self-test is compulsory. However, it will not affect the selection process in Terms of study places.

HCU offers this self-test procedure as part of the online study orientation for the available Bachelor
programmes and allows its completion with the start of the application period from 1st June on.

You will have the opportunity to register for the?online study orientation?in order to save already answered sections and to continue with the remaining parts of the test at a later point if you wish. Should you decide to complete the online study orientation anonymously and without any registration, please be advised that it will not be possible for you to save your answers between the different test sections.

After finishing the online study orientation, you will be provided with an 8-digit code that needs to be stated on your ahoi online application. Please make a note of the relevant code if you completed the?online study orientation?anonymously.

The ahoi online application can only be submitted electronically with a valid online testing procedure code. Invalid codes will be deleted by the system immediately.



Please create an application account via the ahoi application portal of the HCU within the application period. Afterwards enter your data and submit the application electronically.

Applicants who did not acquire their higher education entrance qualification in Germany and applied for the HCU via uni-assist, it is sufficient to submit the ahoi online application electronically within the application period. The evaluation report and your certificate documents will be transmitted by uni-assist. Further information you can find here.

If you have a recognition note with a conversion into the German grading system from another authority, then you have to upload to the HCU cloud the recognition note together with your higher education entrance qualification (original language and a translation into German or English), your language certificate and the printed and signed online application.


You have to upload to the HCU cloud the documents in a PDF file (maximum 70 MB) until the application deadline.

The PDF file have to be named as follows: surname, first name, ahoi application number.

After submitting the ahoi online application, you will receive the upload link by email.



further information

helpful links