Welcome to the webpages of the Student Services

We advise and support you during your studies to the following issues:

Application and Admission

Under the menu item "for applicants" you can find information around the application, admission and enrolment process.

General Students Matters

Under the menu item "for students" you can find information about the following issues: re-registration, semester contribution, HCU-Card and semesterTicket, vacation semester, part time studies, deregistration etc.

Examinations Office

Under the menu item "examinations office" you can find information about the examination regulations, booking recognition of study and exam achievements, thesis admission, transcript of records, certificates etc.


Unter dem Menüpunkt "Gaststudierende" finden Sie alle administrativen Inforrmationen rund um Ihr Erasmusaufenthalt (Incoming) an der HCU.

Informationen zum Visum finden Sie hier.


M?chten Sie als Gaststudierende*r au?erhalb einer Hochschulkooperation oder eines Austausch- und Mobilit?tsprogrammes an der HCU studieren, dann finden Sie weitere Informationen unter dem Menüpunkt ?Freemover“.

Guest auditors and cross-registered students

You want to enroll as a guest auditor or cross-registered student? Information about the enrolment process you can find under the menu item "guest auditors and cross-registered students".


Do you have questions?

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to use the Ticket-System or contact the Student Services?by email.