
ERASMUS and non-EU exchange cooperations

HafenCity University has cooperation agreements with numerous European and non-European partner universities. You can only complete one or two exchange semesters at HafenCity University if your home university has such an Erasmus+ Interinstitutional Agreement or a Memorandum of Understanding with us.


- You cannot apply directly at HafenCity University

-?You have to be accepted as outgoing exchange student by one of our partner universities. You have to be officially nominated by your home Exchange Office

- After we receive the official nomination by our partners, we will send an email containing all necessary information and application documents to you directly. The Exchange application documents therefore cannot be found on this website

- Please note the language prerequesites at HCU: upon application a minimium german level of A 2 is being asked for, except in civil engineering and geomatics, where the minimum german level is B 1

EXCHANGE Deadlines:

Fall Term:
- Nomination by partner university: 01.05.
- Application by exchange student: 01.06.-15.07.

Spring Term:
- Nomination by partner university: 15.11.
- Application by exchange student: 01.12.-15.01.

Further information can be found in the current fact sheet.?

Free Mover

If you want to do a guest semester at HCU but your home university does not have an exchange cooperation with us, you may apply as Free Mover.

Applications as Free Mover are possible only within the general application periods. For the summer term these are: from 01. December until 15. January, for the winter term: from 01. June until 15. July.

Further information is available under "Freemover" here.


Orientation activities (OE)

For incoming degree-seeking and exchange students arriving for the winter semester, the majority of orientation activities take place during “OE Woche,” the university’s main orientation week. "OE Woche" takes places in the second week of October, the week before the start of lectures. OE Woche offers a mixture of informational sessions, tours of university facilities (where is what?), and socializing activities. You will have the opportunity to get to know other degree-seeking students at the university.

There is an additional information event for exchange students. This provides information on how to register for courses.
The event is organized by the Student Service Center and takes place some time before the OE week.

For exchange students coming for the summer semester, orientation events take place in the last week of March.
This is the week before the summer semester lectures begin.

Contact for exchange students - "Incomings"

You are coming to HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播 as an exchange student ("Incoming") ? The contact partner for your questions is the Student Service Center. Please contact the colleagues there - they will be happy to help you!

Contact for prospective students in general

Are you interested in a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme at HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播? Please contact the Student Service Center with your enquiries or use the ticket system.
You can also find all information on admission requirements and the application procedure here.