Parallel studies
Parallel studies means that you study two degree programmes at once with the aim to acquire a degree in both degree programmes. The prerequisite is that both study programmes are orderly studied.
Application for parallel studies
The first step is the regular application for the degree programme at the HafenCity Universit?t (HCU). Please note that you can apply only for one degree programme at the HCU.
HCU students wishing to study two degree programmes at the HCU at once, can apply for the other desired degree programme from the second semester at the earliest. Please submit with the application of enrolment an informal application for a parallel study and the document of compliance of both degree programmes.
Students who apply for the enrolment as a first year student at the HCU and are enrolled at another university need to submit an informal application for a parallel study together with the application of enrolment. Please add to the application the document of compliance of both universities.
The document of compliance of the HCU will?issued the study counsellor of your desired degree programme.
It is not permissible to be enrolled in the same field of studies. It is not possible to study both degree programmes in part-time.