Special applications

A special application for preferred admission can be submitted in addition to the standard application for admission in the online application procedure. Applicants who meet special criteria may qualify for preferred admission but not all cases can be deemed "special." Below, we have listed a few criteria for special applications.


Applicants can provide an application for a preferntial admission if you have attended a offical duty or development aid volunteer (of at least two years) or have to take care of a child under 18 years or have to care for a high-maintenance relative up to a period of three years. More information you will find in the general admission regulation under § 8.

You are entitled to preferential admission if you have successfully applied immediately before or during your service or care duties and were unable to accept the study place due to your service or care obligation.?

Your preferential application is complete, if you upload to the HCU cloud in a PDF file the below mentioned documents until the application deadline.

1. The printed and signed preferential application

2. a proof of your service / care period

3. former admission letter in this degree programme or notice for on-hold placement

You will receive the upload link by email, after submitting the ahoi online application.


In accordance with the general admission regulation, there is a five percent quota for applicants for whom rejection would constitute an extraordinary hardship. A "hardship application" for applicants with serious health or personal problems may result in immediate admission. More information you will find in the hardship regulation of the HafenCity Universit?t.


Your special application is complete, if you upload to the HCU cloud in a PDF file the below mentioned documents until the application deadline.

1. The printed and signed special application

2. A? formal motivation where you explain your reasons in detail. Please note without the motivation we can not consider your special application.

3. meaningful proof, documenting your explanation

You will receive the upload link by email, after submitting the ahoi online application.


In accordance with the Higher Education Act, two percent of available places are allocated to top athletes (athletes who are members of the Olympiastützpunkt 足球比分,即时比分直播/Schleswig-Holstein in the A, B, C or D/C squad of the German Olympic Sports Confederation and who for this reason are bound to 足球比分,即时比分直播).


Your special application is complete, if you upload to the HCU cloud in a PDF file the below mentioned documents until the application deadline.

1. The printed and signed special application

2. Proof that you are member of the Olympiatüzpunkt (OSP)


You will receive the upload link by email, after submitting the ahoi online application.



Decision about the special application

After you received the decision of your application of admission to study you can ask in the student administration about the result of your special application.

The status of your special application you can find in your ahoi application account.