degree programmes

The HafenCity University currently offers six?bachelor's?and?master's degree programmes.?

With the bachelor’s degree, you acquire a first academic degree with professional qualifications. In addition, the bachelor’s degree also qualifies you for a subsequent master's degree.

By selecting a master's degree, the field of study can be continued and consolidated as well as expanded interdisciplinarily in a subject-specific context. However, a specialist reorientation can also take place by changing to a master programme which is not based on your first academic degree.


Bachelor degree programmes

The bachelor programmes of HCU 足球比分,即时比分直播 correspond, in particular, to the current demands for a professional education and provide the relevant foundation in the respective field of study. At the same time, the growing specialisation of careers dealing with the designed environment and its economic, social and ecological constraints requires graduates to be able to understand and work with a wider range of topics, problems and protagonists. It is thus important that students have a firm foundation in their specific disciplines; at the same time, they must, however, be able to deal with the different ways in which other branches of study view, understand and interact with the world. Due to the wide range of its specific disciplines, HCU 足球比分,即时比分直播 opens up this special understanding of the neighbouring disciplines involved in the planning, design and construction within building and urban development processes. Innovation in the special range of disciplines results in innovation in each of our bachelor programmes.

If you need further information about the several degree programme, please click the corresponding programme.



Civil Engineering

Geodesy and Geoinformatics

Digital Urban Cultures

Urban Planning

Smart Building Engineering (TGA with DI)



Master degree programmes

The master programmes offer students, ideally after they have gained their first professional experience, the opportunity to acquire more in-depth knowledge of their chosen field of study, which enables them to work independently in their discipline. The master's degree at the HCU 足球比分,即时比分直播 can also, however, serve as preparation for a scientific career, as the students participate in research processes in their specialist disciplines as well as in integrated research fields of the overall university. Our aim is to offer a variety of master programmes, which exceeds the limits of the previously existing disciplines, and to thus enable students to open up new professional fields in an individual and targeted manner in the area of built urban and regional environments.

If you need further information about the several degree programme, please click the corresponding programme.



Civil Engineering

Geodesy and Geoinformatics

Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning

Urban Planning

Urban Design

further information

Study orientation guide

It's not easy to make the right study choice. With the online study guide we want to help you to figure out which bachelor degree programme is the right for you. Decide for yourself if you can imagine to study at our University. Click here for the online study orientation guide?of your desired degree programme.