Admission requirements

In compliance with article 10 of the General Admission Regulation (AZO), applicants for Bachelor programmes have to prove their compulsory participation in an online testing procedure provided by HafenCity Universit?t (HCU) before submitting their application. This self-test is an admission requirement and is supposed to provide guidance in making the right decision for the Bachelor degree programme of interest and shall help prevent a possible withdrawal from the studies. HCU offers this self-test procedure as part of the online study orientation for the available Bachelor degree programmes.?There is currently no online study orientation available for the Bachelor's degree programme Smart Building Engineering.
Admission requirement for a Bachelor degree programme is also a higher education entrance qualification. The following certificates will qualify you for a course of study:
If you do not have a higher education entrance qualification above-mentioned, a proof of another higher education entrance qualification also entitles you to study. Further information you will find under the menu item "Higher education entrance qualification for working professions".
Note on the Fachhochschulreife:
The Fachhochschulreife consists of a school-based and a practical part. It is regularly acquired through successful attendance at the Fachoberschule, which is run at vocational schools. In addition, there are other ways to obtain the Fachhochschulreife, provided certain requirements are met. The award of the entrance qualification for studies at universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife) must be presented together with the school-leaving certificate for enrolment. The School Information Centre checks whether the requirements for the award of the Fachhochschulreife have been met. You can find further information here.
Higher education entrance qualification obtained not in Germany
If you obtained your higher education entrance qualification not in Germany, please see here for further information.
If you attended a German school abroad, you will normally have obtained a regular German higher education entrance qualification.
Graduates of a German Studienkolleg
If you acquired an assessment test at a German Studienkolleg, please note that we accept only the following courses for the Bachelor degree programmes:
T-course: Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Urban Planning, Smart Building Engineering
G-course:?Digital Urban Cultures
W-course: Urban Planning
According to the KMK-decision "Vereinbarung über die Festsetzung der Gesamtnote bei ausl?ndischen Hochschulzeugnissen" an average grade?must be calculated from the grade of the foreign school certificate and the grade of the assessment test of the Studienkolleg. For this reason you must submit the evaluation report of uni-assist (Vorprüfungsdokumentation (VPD)) within the application period. If you do not have a conversion of your foreign school certificate into the German grading system of uni-assist, you have to apply extra via uni-assist.