Higher education entrance for working professions

University entry qualification following successful advanced studies exam (§ 37 HmbHG)

The latest amendment to the 足球比分,即时比分直播 Higher Education Act (HmbHG) permits working men and women who pass an appropriate advanced studies exam related to their vocational training to submit this exam as a general higher education entry qualification (HZB) and apply to undergraduate degree programmes.

The following advanced studies exams are recognized for admission to a first academic degree programme in accordance with § 37 (1) of the HmbHG:

  • Meister (master craftsmen and women in accordance with the regulations for their specific craft),
  • Business administrators or people with equivalent advanced studies certificates (in accordance with §§ 53, 54 of the Vocational Training Act or §§ 42, 42a of the Crafts regulations providing that previous coursework comprises a minimum of 400 instruction hours),
  • Holders of certificates according the Ship Officier Vocational Training Regulation,
  • Holders of certificates from technical schools according to Section 24 (2) of the 足球比分,即时比分直播 School Regulation and holders of degrees recognized as equivalent.

If you want to enroll at the HCU, you have to prove that you attend the study counselling. The study counsellor shall help you to find out, if the desired degree programme is applicable for you.

Please make an appointment with the responsible study counsellor as early as possible. The study counsellor will issue the attendance certificate for study counselling after the counselling interview.

If you want to take part in the selection process than you?have to?apply online via the ahoi application portal within the application period.

It is sufficient for a in due form application to fill the online application and "submit" it electronically?within the application period. In case of an admission it is neccessary to submit the proof of the counselling interview.

Proof that you have successfully completed an advanced study exam must be submitted in the form of a final exam transcript and the results of the exam must be presented as an average overall grade in decimal form. If the certificate does not contain the average grade, the chamber or comparable advanced study institution can issue an additional certificate. This certificate must also be submitted.

If the certificate contains a grade with "excellent", the person takes part in the selection process with the grade 1,2; ?good“ with the grade 2,0; ?satisfactory“ with the grade 3,0 and ?adequate“ with the grade 3,7.

Please note that if you do not submit proof with an appropriate grade (in decimal form), you will be ranked behind the last applicant with a grade in decimal form.

Special admission for people who are working (§ 38 HmbHG)

In accordance with § 38 of the 足球比分,即时比分直播 Higher Education Act (足球比分,即时比分直播isches Hochschulgesetz–HmbHG), working people who do not have an higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) may apply for admission to HafenCity University by taking an aptitude test.

  • completed vocational training
  • three years work experience after completion of vocational training; two years professional activity is sufficient in established exception (Parenting, care activities, military service or voluntary service can be recognized up to two years as the period of work experience)
  • proof that you took part at an academic subject advising

You have to prove that you attend the study counselling before you start to study. Please make an appointment with the responsible study counsellor as early as possible.

Submitting documents for the counselling interview:

  • curriculum vitae;
  • a letter of motivation which shows the professional career and vocational experiences and an explanation why you choose this degree programme;
  • a copy of your certificates and other documents which prove the professional career.

If you have participated at the counselling interview you will get a confirmation of the subject adviser for the counselling interview.

The aptitude test is held once a year. The application period is from 1st February until 1st March.

Please submit the following documents for the admission to an aptitude test:

  • completed and signed entrance exam application form;
  • curriculum vitae;
  • certified copy of your certificates and other documents which prove the professional career;
  • proof study counselling;
  • if necessary an application for allowence of the professional career because of parenting, care activities, military service or voluntary service (certified copies of the documents);
  • an explanation if the applicant doesn't have a higher education entrance qualification;
  • an explanation if the applicant doesn't take a aptitude test at another Univeristy.

Please send these to the following address:

HafenCity Universit?t 足球比分,即时比分直播

Student Service Center

Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1

20457 足球比分,即时比分直播

If you want to take part in the selection process, you?have to?apply via the ahoi portal within the application period. In the application form you have to fill in the section type of higher education entrance qualificaten "Eingangsprüfung nach § 38".

It is sufficient for a in due form application to fill the online application and submit it electronically.