Borrowing & renewal

You need a library card in order to borrow books.

You can borrow books from the self-check system on the ground floor during the opening hours. Some media, such as reserved books, DVDs and interlibrary loan orders are only available from the service desk.

The complete terms of use can be found in the terms of use (PDF). The main rules are listed on this site. Don't hesitate to contact us, if you have further questions.

For how long may I keep the borrowed books?

The loan period is four weeks. You will find out the return date when you borrow the book. You may have a look into your library account as well to get to know the return date.
Additionally you are reminded by email four days before the loan period will run out.

My loan period expires soon, but I need more time to read.

Renew your loan period online via your library account. The new loan period is again four weeks.

How often may I prolong the loan period of the borrowed books?

If there is no reservation placed on the item and the loan period is not yet exceeded you may renew the items up to three times for for weeks. Once the renewal limit has been reached, you must return the item to the library to have it cleared from your library account. For continued use, you may re-check out the item.

The book I am looking for has been lent to somebody else.

Any books already borrowed by some other user may be reserved in our search engine. Please use the button labelled “reservation” in order to do so. By accessing your library account you may manage your placed reservations. The library of the HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播 (HCU) informs you by email immediately as soon as the reserved item returns at the reference desk. From that moment on there is a 7-day period for you to pick it up.

What happens if I return books too late?

When exceeding the loan period overdue fees apply. The amount of these fees is set by the Gebührensatzung (Fees).


If you have any questions, please contact the library team at the service desk:
Tel: +49 (0) 40 42827-5675
E-mail: ausleihe(at)

We want to contribute to establishing equal studying conditions for students with a disability or a chronic illness in justified individual cases. Please find further informations via the site via the site Students with a disability.


Renewing items online?
My library account

New to the library?
Apply for library card

Read e-books from home?
Off campus access

Book not available?
Proposal of purchase


HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播
Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
20457 足球比分,即时比分直播

Tel: +49 (0) 40 42827-5675

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