Admission procedure
The admission to master degree programmes is based on the following quotas:
1. Compensation of disadvantages
- all applicants according to § 8 AZO have to deducted beforehand of the defined admission numbers
2. Advanced quota
- 10 % hardship quota?(for hardship cases)
- 2 % top?athletic quota (for sportsmen and sportswomen who belong to a formed at federal level A, B, C or D/C squad of a top professional association of the German Olympic Committee of the Olympic Training Center 足球比分,即时比分直播/Schleswig-Holstein (OSP) supervised sport (athletes) and for this reason are bounded to 足球比分,即时比分直播 as a study place)
3.? Main quota
Once this quota has been filled, the remaining places are allocated as follows:
- 90 % achievement quota?(based on aptitude and motivation in accordance with selection criteria of the special regulations of the respective master degree programmes.
- 10 % waiting period quota (according to the number of half-years which have passed since qualifications for admission to a master degree programme have been obtained)
creating a ranking list (achievement and motivation)
If you want to take part in the selection procedure, a minimum score of 35 points?must be achieved (article 3, paragraph 5 BZO Master programme?Architecture). The points are awarded according to the following selection criteria:
1. ECTS-grading (maximum 30 points) and absolute grade (maximum 20 points) of the academic degree or of your Transcript of Records (maximum 50 points):
a) ECTS-grading:
A (30 points); B (20 points); C (10 points) D und E (0 points)
If you have not yet acquired your first academic degree with ECTS-grading, but you can submit a valid ECTS-grading table of your university (current graduation year) we will award the points as followed:
??????????????????????? for the best 10 %:?????????????????? 30 points
??????????????????????? for the following best 25 %:??? 20 points
??????????????????????? for the following 30 %:???????? ?? 10 points
??????????????????????? for the last 35 %:????????????? ? ? ?? 0 points
If the issued university can't provide an ECTS-grading or a valid ECTS-grading table, but you submit an equivalent certificate of the issued university, the classification is made according to the average and standard deviation for the degree programmes of the respective university collected by the Council of Science (Wissenschaftsrat) in 2012 (Prüfungsnoten an Hochschulen im Prüfungsjahr 2010: Arbeitsbericht, 足球比分,即时比分直播 2012). If the issued university isn't listed by the Council of Science (Wissenschaftsrat) the classification is made according to the average and standard deviation for the degree programmes of all German universities.
If the applicant acquired the academic degree in a Non-EU country?he or she can replace the equivalent certificate of the issued university with a statutory declaration.
If you didn't submit neither an ECTS-grading or a valid ECTS-grading table nor the equivalent certificate of the issued university, that they can't issued one of them the applicant will get 0 points.?
b) Absolute grade of your first academic degree or your Transcript of Records:
1,0 (20); 1,1 (19); 1,2 (18), 1,3 (17); 1,4 (16); 1,5 (15); 1,6 (14); 1,7 (13); 1,8 (12); 1,9 (11); 2,0 (10); 2,1 (9); 2,2 (8); 2,3 (7); 2,4 (6); 2,5 (5); 2,6 (4); 2,7 (3); 2,8 (2); 2,9 (1); > 3,0 (0)
You can increase the chance of a study place if you submit together with your online application the following documents.
2. a proof of subject-specific relevant professional experience for at least half a year full-time employment (35 hours per week) after you acquired your first academic degree (15 points)
3. a portfolio showing the above-average abilites for drafting, constructing and implementing of projects in Architecture and Urban Planning (maximal in an A3 format and maximal 15 pages). The assesement of the submitted portfolio will be carried out as follows (maximum 40 points):
- excellent abilities (40)
- above-avarage abilities (30)
- avarage artisitc abilities (20)
- below-avarage abilities (10)?
- abilities inadequately (0)
If two applicants have the same number of points, a lottery procedure is used.
The ranking list according to achievement and motivation for the master programme Civil Engineering is allocated by the following criterias. The ranking is carried out with the help of a point system:
1. ECTS-grading (maximum 30 points) and absolute grade (maximum 20 points) of the academic degree or of your Transcript of Records (maximum 50 points):
a) ECTS-grading:
A (30 points); B (20 points); C (10 points) D und E (0 points)
If you have not yet acquired your first academic degree with ECTS-grading, but you can submit a valid ECTS-grading table of your university (current graduation year) we will award the points as followed:
??????????????????????? for the best 10 %:?????????????????? 30 Punkte
??????????????????????? for the following best 25 %:??? 20 Punkte
??????????????????????? for the following 30 %:???????? ?? 10 Punkte
??????????????????????? for the last 35 %:????????????? ? ? ?? 0 Punkte
If the issued university can't provide an ECTS-grading or a valid ECTS-grading table, but you submit an equivalent certificate of the issued university, the classification is made according to the average and standard deviation for the degree programmes of the respective university collected by the Council of Science (Wissenschaftsrat) in 2012 (Prüfungsnoten an Hochschulen im Prüfungsjahr 2010: Arbeitsbericht, 足球比分,即时比分直播 2012). If the issued university isn't listed by the Council of Science (Wissenschaftsrat) the classification is made according to the average and standard deviation for the degree programmes of all German universities.
If the applicant acquired the academic degree?in a Non-EU country?he or she can replace the equivalent certificate of the issued university with a statutory declaration.
If you didn't submit neither an ECTS-grading or a valid ECTS-grading table nor the equivalent certificate of the issued university, that they can't issued one of them, the applicant will get 0 points.?
b) Absolute grade of your first academic degree or your Transcript of Records:
1,0 (20); 1,1 (19); 1,2 (18), 1,3 (17); 1,4 (16); 1,5 (15); 1,6 (14); 1,7 (13); 1,8 (12); 1,9 (11); 2,0 (10); 2,1 (9); 2,2 (8); 2,3 (7); 2,4 (6); 2,5 (5); 2,6 (4); 2,7 (3); 2,8 (2); 2,9 (1); > 3,0 (0)
You can increase the chance of a study place if you submit together with your online application the following document.
2. a proof of relevant professional experience as civil engineer for at least six month full-time employment (35 hours per week) (15 points)
If two applicants have the same number of points, a lottery procedure is used.
The ranking list according to achievement and motivation for the master programme REAP is allocated by the following criterias. The ranking is carried out with the help of a point system:
1.? Grade mark of the academic degree or of your Transcript of Records (max. 50 points):
1,0 (50); 1,1 (47,5); 1,2 (45), 1,3 (42,5); 1,4 (40); 1,5 (37,5); 1,6 (35); 1,7 (32,5); 1,8 (30); 1,9 (27,5); 2,0 (25); 2,1 (22,5); 2,2 (20); 2,3 (17,5); 2,4 (15); 2,5 (12,5); 2,6 (10); 2,7 (7,5); 2,8 (5); 2,9 (2,5); > 3,0 (0)
2. Assessment of academic qualification in REAP-related fields during the studies. Applicants have to compile the relevant moduls and courses of the first academic degree by themselves (max. 10 points):
- degree or specialsation meet fields of REAP in an outstanding manner (10)
- degree or specialsation meet fields of REAP in a special manner (5)
- degree or specialsation meet fields of REAP (0)
3. Assessment of work experience in REAP-related fields (max. 30 points):
- professional work experience in the fields of REAP of at least 24 months (30) or
- professional work experience in the fields of REAP of at least 12 months up to 24 months (15) or
- subject-specific work experiences of at least three month full-time employment (35 hours per week). This work experience may be gained while beeing enrolled at university or after acquired the first academic degree (0).
You can increase the chance of a study place if you submit together with your online application the following document.
4. Assessment of professional motivation for the admission to the REAP programme on the basis of one page letter (max. 10 points):
- Description of concrete goals or research interests (10)
- general description of goals (5)
- letter not available or goals are not recognizable (0)
If two applicants have the same number of points, a lottery procedure is use.
The ranking list according to achievement and motivation for the master programme Urban Planning is allocated by the following criterias. The ranking is carried out with the help of a point system:
1. ECTS-grading (maximum 30 points) and absolute grade (maximum 20 points) of the academic degree or of your Transcript of Records (maximum 50 points):
a) ECTS-grading:
A (30 points); B (20 points); C (10 points) D und E (0 points)
If you have not yet acquired your first academic degree with ECTS-grading, but you can submit a valid ECTS-grading table of your university (current graduation year) we will award the points as followed:
??????????????????????? for the best 10 %:?????????????????? 30 Punkte
??????????????????????? for the following best 25 %:??? 20 Punkte
??????????????????????? for the following 30 %:???????? ?? 10 Punkte
??????????????????????? for the last 35 %:????????????? ? ? ?? 0 Punkte
If the issued university can't provide an ECTS-grading or a valid ECTS-grading table, but you submit an equivalent certificate of the issued university, the classification is made according to the average and standard deviation for the degree programmes of the respective university collected by the Council of Science (Wissenschaftsrat) in 2012 (Prüfungsnoten an Hochschulen im Prüfungsjahr 2010: Arbeitsbericht, 足球比分,即时比分直播 2012). If the issued university isn't listed by the Council of Science (Wissenschaftsrat) the classification is made according to the average and standard deviation for the degree programmes of all German universities.
If the applicant acquired the academic degree in a Non-EU country?he or she can replace the equivalent certificate of the issued university with a statutory declaration.
If you didn't submit neither an ECTS-grading or a valid ECTS-grading table nor the equivalent certificate of the issued university, that they can't issued one of them, the applicant will get 0 points.?
b) Absolute grade of your first academic degree or your Transcript of Records:
1,0 (20); 1,1 (19); 1,2 (18), 1,3 (17); 1,4 (16); 1,5 (15); 1,6 (14); 1,7 (13); 1,8 (12); 1,9 (11); 2,0 (10); 2,1 (9); 2,2 (8); 2,3 (7); 2,4 (6); 2,5 (5); 2,6 (4); 2,7 (3); 2,8 (2); 2,9 (1); > 3,0 (0)
You can increase the chance of a study place if you submit together with your online application the following document.
3. Proof of subject-specific relevant professional experience (maximum 12 points),
- for at least twelve months full-time employment (35 hours per week) after you acquired your first academic degree (12 points) or
- for at least six months full-time employment (35 hours per week) after you acquired your first academic degree (6 points) or
- a subject-specific internship of at least three months full-time employment (35 hours per week). This work experience may be gained prior to or while beeing enrolled at university (3 points) or
- a vocational training in one of the relevant vocational fields (3 points).
If two applicants have the same number of points, a lottery procedure is used.
The ranking list according to achievement and motivation for the master programme Urban Planning is allocated by the following criterias. The ranking is carried out with the help of a point system:
1. ECTS-grading (maximum 30 points) and absolute grade (maximum 20 points) of the academic degree or of your Transcript of Records (maximum 50 points):
a) ECTS-grading:
A (30 points); B (20 points); C (10 points) D und E (0 points)
If you have not yet acquired your first academic degree with ECTS-grading, but you can submit a valid ECTS-grading table of your university (current graduation year) we will award the points as followed:
??????????????????????? for the best 10 %:?????????????????? 30 Punkte
??????????????????????? for the following best 25 %:??? 20 Punkte
??????????????????????? for the following 30 %:???????? ?? 10 Punkte
??????????????????????? for the last 35 %:????????????? ? ? ?? 0 Punkte
If the issued university can't provide an ECTS-grading or a valid ECTS-grading table, but you submit an equivalent certificate of the issued university, the classification is made according to the average and standard deviation for the degree programmes of the respective university collected by the Council of Science (Wissenschaftsrat) in 2012 (Prüfungsnoten an Hochschulen im Prüfungsjahr 2010: Arbeitsbericht, 足球比分,即时比分直播 2012). If the issued university isn't listed by the Council of Science (Wissenschaftsrat) the classification is made according to the average and standard deviation for the degree programmes of all German universities.
If the applicant acquired the academic degree in a Non-EU-country he or she can replace the equivalent certificate of the issued university with a statutory declaration.
If you didn't submit neither an ECTS-grading or a valid ECTS-grading table nor the equivalent certificate of the issued university, that they can't issued one of them, the applicant will get 0 points.?
b) Absolute grade of your first academic degree or your Transcript of Records:
1,0 (20); 1,1 (19); 1,2 (18), 1,3 (17); 1,4 (16); 1,5 (15); 1,6 (14); 1,7 (13); 1,8 (12); 1,9 (11); 2,0 (10); 2,1 (9); 2,2 (8); 2,3 (7); 2,4 (6); 2,5 (5); 2,6 (4); 2,7 (3); 2,8 (2); 2,9 (1); > 3,0 (0)
You can increase the chance of a study place if you submit together with your online application the following document.
2. A letter of intent with the reasons for the choice of the degree programme and the descriptionof the intended professional activity fields. The letter of intent should provide in particular information about the professional motivation and the reasons to study Urban Design and why the applicant is in particular qualified for the degree programme on the basis of abilities, skills and interest. The letter of intent should not exceed one A4 page. The assessment will be carried out as follows (max. 16 points):
- professional motivation: a = (4), b = (2), c = (0)
- abilities, skills, interests: a = (4), b = (2), c = (0)
- aspired professional field of activity: a = (4), b = (2), c = (0)
- conclusiveness of statement: a = (4), b = (2), c = (0)
The assessment is carried out according to the following system: a = extremely well suited, b = suited, c = not suited.
3. Work samples where is apparant the qualification for the chosen degree programme with regard of the neccessary abilities and skills. Applicants have to submit three to five work samples. They have to add an explanation of the personal contribution to the submitted work samples. The assessment will be carried out as follows (max. 30 points):
- conceptual approach: a = (10), b = (6) , c = (0)
- creative or alternative academic competency: a = (10), b = (6), c = (0)
- communication abilities (presentation techniques and communication): a = (10), b = (6), c = (0)
The assessment is carried out according to the following system: a = extremely well suited, b = suited, c = not suited.
4. professional skills for example relevant professional education or practical activities in the form of out of school or out of university engagement, relevant practical training, relevant work experience (tabularly curriculum vitae with the relevant proof). The assessment will be carried out as follows (max. 32 points):
- completed professional education (12)
- subject-specific professional experience for at least six months full-time employment (35 hours per week) after you aquired your first academic degree (20) or
- other activities relevant to the degree programme or a practical training for at least three months full-time employment (35 hours per week) (12)
5. proof of soft skills (max. 22 points):
- special language competency (4)
- intercultural competency (e.g. residencies abroad during the degree programme or professional activities, practical training abroad (6)
- interdisciplinary competence (experience with interdisciplinary working methods) (6)
- social competency (voluntary work in initiatives, organisations, associations etc.) (6)
If two applicants have the same number of points, a lottery procedure is use.
Creating a ranking list according to waiting time
Applicants on the waiting list are ranked according to the number of half-years since they have received their first academic degree. The waiting period accrues from the date on which the first academic was obtained. Please note, however, that during this time, applicants may not be enrolled at another university in Germany or abroad (periods of study are not counted as "waiting time"). If the waiting period is the same for several applicants, a lottery procedure is used.
Master degree programmes | Capacity | Applications | Admission till number of points | Waiting time |
Architecture | 50 | 296 | 72 | 8 |
Civil Engineering | 50 | 95 | 0 | 0 |
Geodesy and Geoinformatics | o | 215 | open admission | open admission |
Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning (REAP= | 28 | 208 | 57,5 | 16 |
Urban Planning | 35 | 141 | 22 | 3 |
Urban Design | 28 | 67 | 13 | 0 |