

Student Financing through German law on higher education grants (BAf?G)

To learn more about the possibility of receiving financial assistance for your third-level education via the German law on higher education grants, please contact the? Counselling Centre Studierendenwerk.


Responisble person for BAf?G at the HCU

If you need a proof of your course of study or your prospective study end for the BAf?G office, please contact the responsible person of your degree programme.?

Please bring at the appointment ALWAYS

1. the fully digitally completed form
2. current proof of academic achievement (print of the summery in ahoi)
3. current valid "Onlinesemesterunterlagen" (see ahoi under the menu item "my documents")

Without these documents your request can't be processed. The BAf?G forms you can find here.

Please note: The responisble person for Baf?G or the Studienbüro will not give you advice for Baf?G. Please contact the Baf?G office.?


Prof. Dr. J?rn Düwel

email: joern.duewel(at)hcu-hamburg.de


Civil Engineering and Geomatic / Geodesy and Geoinformatics

Herr Prof. Dr.-Ing Martin J?schke

Please submit the documents by email:?leistungsbescheinigungen-bafoeg_biw-geo(at)hcu-hamburg.de

Vera Vorreiter - Studienbüro - room 4.125


Metropolitan Culture /?Digital Urban Cultures, Urban Planning and Urban Design

Prof. Dr. Thomas Krüger

Please submit the documents by post or email:

Susanne Stellwagen - Studienbüro - room 4.125



Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning (REAP)

Prof. Dr. Ingo Weidlich



Smart Building Engineering?




§ 9 Baf?G certificate

If you already receive a grant in accordance with the German law on higher education grants, the § 9 Baf?G certificate will be automatically uploaded in your ahoi account with re-registration (Onlinesemesterunterlagen).



Ein leistungsabh?ngiger BAf?G-Teilerlass nach §18 Abs. 2 und 2a BAf?G ist nur noch für diejenigen Studierenden zu erreichen, die ihre Abschlussprüfung bis zum 31.12.2012 abgelegt haben. D.h. für Studierende, die ihre Abschlussprüfung?ab dem 01.01.2013 ablegen, entf?llt die M?glichkeit des leistungsabh?ngigen BAf?G-Teilerlasses. Einen Antrag auf einen leistungsabh?ngigen BAf?G-Teilerlass?k?nnen Sie?nach Erhalt des Feststellungs- und Rückzahlungsbescheids beim Bundesverwaltungsamt stellen.

