

Tina Muxfeldt

Annett Dauter

Jessica Nieri


Opening and consulting hours

Mondays to Fridays?9 am to?3 pm

Outside consulting hours, documents and applications can be deposited in the black mailbox in the foyer.




Responsibilities of the Infothek

The Infothek is a contact point for prospective and current students on the following topics:


Hand over, receive and process the applications for cross-registered students.

Further information you can find here.

Hand out and receive applications and other documents and, if necessary, forward them to the responsible departments:

Address changes, certificates, semester on leave, applications, deregistration, guest auditors, enrolment, cross-registered students, re-registration, semester certifications, semester contribution, Thesis registration, degree certificate, examination certificate, admission, etc.

Questions about application and admission procedure:

Admission requirements, Application dates, Online applications, uni-assist,, Application documents, Admission procedure, Enrolment, Fees ect.

Further information can be found here.

Hand out, receive and forward the applications to the student service center als well as naming the responsible contact persons.

Information on semester contribution and re-registration can be found here.

Notice of job offers for students. The job portal can be found here.

Current information


If you want to submit documents and applications, you can drop them in the black mailbox in the foyer.




To contact us, please use the Ticketsystem.



+49 (0)40 / 428 27 - 53 54?
+49 (0)40 / 428 27 - 53 55?






HafenCity University


?Room E 001

Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1

20457 足球比分,即时比分直播







