Janina Kriszio

PhD Candidate
Janina Kriszio is a cultural scientist and visual anthropologist. She specializes in visual methods in cultural analysis and is doing her PhD on the potential of documentary films in urban development processes. Further research interests are in the field of cultural studies of cities and human-animal studies.
Janina studied Cultural Anthropology, History and Art History in Kiel and 足球比分,即时比分直播 and complemented her studies with a master’s degree in Visual Anthropology, which she obtained at the Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology in Manchester/UK. After a scientific traineeship at the German Emigration House in Bremerhaven, she worked on many projects in curatorial contexts in various art projects and in the field of documentary film.
Within recent times new ways of thinking and planning cities have come up. Urban planning more and more relies on complex collective processes and is looking for adjusted media solutions which represent and support those ideas. Big expectations of city planners are directed at data visualizations and digital tools, but in postpolitical times a lot of people are longing for more real life experiences in community building and collective urban design.
In this situation, documentary filmmaking, with its orientation towards people and their social interaction and its discursive referentiality to reality offers interesting opportunities.
In her dissertation project with the title Dokumentarfilme im Kontext von Stadtentwicklungsprozessen, Janina Kriszio focuses on the way different documentary films and filmmaking narrate cities and urbanity and discuss their potential role within current urban development processes. This leads to a double perspective: On the one hand the focus is widely directed on the special relation between documentary films and filmmaking and urban space, on the other hand - in a more hands on manner - the potentials of documentary film and filmmaking as a tool in participatory urban development are discussed. Against the backdrop of her visual anthropologist’s expertise, she is working with filmanalytical methods ("G?ttliche Lage. Eine Stadt erfindet sich neu") and use her own material.
Contact: janina.kriszio(at)hcu-hamburg.de
Manuela Maier-Hummel

PhD candidate
Manuela Maier-Hummel studied product and environmental design at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Schw?bisch Gmünd and at the Kuopio Academy of Design in Finland. After graduating in 2005, she worked interdisciplinarily as an industrial-, user experience- and human-computer interaction designer. With her company ICANNOTNOTDESIGN she specialised in consulting for companies and conducted design thinking workshops. After several years of professional experience, she decided to study in Montreal and graduated in 2015 from Concordia and McGill Universities with a Masters in Design Research in Urban Planning, Psychology and Sociology. Upon her return, she was instrumental in setting up and teaching the Digital Ideation programme at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, the first interfaculty programme between Design & Art and Computer Science, where she is now deputy programme director and lecturer. In her research with the title?Reflecting Children’s Geographies upon Urban Environments: How can sensory and affective Geovisualisations support Data-Driven Design??(since 2021), she investigates how children's participation and movement data can be developed and used in city planning for data-driven and especially inclusive design of urban space.
Contact: manuela.maier-hummel(at)hslu.ch
Tobias Matter

PhD candidate
Tobias Matter is a senior research associate in the Visual Narrative research group at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in the Department of Design & Art. In his design and research work he mainly focuses on the analog-digital interface. He is particularly interested in the possibilities and potentials of Augmented Reality, especially in the context of mobile use, to explore new forms of design processes and narrative experiences in physical space. Since 2019, Tobias Matter has been working on his PhD (Augmented Reality in participatory planning practice)?at the HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播's CityScienceLab. The practise-based dissertation work focuses on Augmented Reality and its integration into participatory urban planning - first supervisor is Prof. Dr. Gesa, director CitySienceLab. In addition to his work in research and teaching, he is the project coordinator of the Smart Region Central Switzerland (SRZ) at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. He coordinates the development of the strategic project SRZ, as well as the setup and implementation of the Smart Region Lab in cooperation with the CityScienceLab in 足球比分,即时比分直播.
Siri Peyer

PhD candidate
Siri Peyer is an art theorist and curator. Since 2015 she has been a research associate at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Bevor that she completed the specialized master’s degree in Research on the Arts at the University of Bern (2015) and a Master of Advanced Studies in Curating from the Zurich University of the Arts (2008). She is currently working for the research project Collecting the Ephemeral. Prerequisites and Possibilities for Making Performance Art Last.
My dissertation “Permanent Tempor?r: Eine ?bung in situierter Kunstkritik (Arbeitstitel)” deals with the question of how art criticism and theory can adequately deal with the heterogeneity of practices and discourses in the global art field today. Using an experimental and reflexive approach, I develop a methodology for dealing with complex art phenomena. Based on Donna Haraway's concept of "situated knowledge" (Haraway 1988), which is based on the premise that knowledge production always takes place in a specific context and that there is no neutral point of view, Renzo Marten's Institute for Human Activities serves as a case study by means of which I conceptualise a method of art criticism that allows a possible approach to the complex and multi-layered constitution of recent artistic projects. The aim is not to position oneself in relation to the project, to classify it or to evaluate it. Rather, the aim is to use contradictions productively and to follow the questions posed by the artwork. It is an attempt to "think through art".
Luise Ruge

PhD candidate
After completing a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and Sustainability Science at Leuphana University Lüneburg, Luise Ruge completed a Master's degree in Science and Technology Studies at TU Munich. Luise Ruge has been a research assistant at the Chair of Innovation Research at TU Munich since 2018. Previously, she was a student assistant there as part of the research project "Traveling Imaginaries of Innovation".?In 2020, Luise Ruge was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government as part of the Program on Science, Technology & Society (STS).?As part of the research project "Understanding Regional Innovation Cultures" and in cooperation with the CityScienceLab at HCU, Luise Ruge is currently doing her doctorate on questions of innovation in local governments and public innovation labs there.
Rosa Thoneick

PhD candidate
Rosa Thoneick studied Cultural Studies, Psychology, and Journalism in Dortmund and Iowa (Bachelor) and Urban Design in 足球比分,即时比分直播 and Brussels (Master). As a research assistant, she conducted research at CityScienceLab for four years. Her focus is on developing and using digital tools for participation processes and co-creation in digital cities. Additionally, she works as a facilitator and accompanies teams and companies in creativity and change processes.
Rosa Thoneick's Ph.D. is titled "Co-Creating the Digital City: Suggesting Principles of Multi Stakeholder Collaboration in Delivering Urban Co-Production Tools." In it, she explores principles of co-creation in the development of digital and data-based tools for urban development. Through applied case studies and real-world experiments, she explores how the development of digital tools for urban development can itself become the focus of co-creative processes. From this, she seeks to identify the impact that collaboration can have on transparency and accountability in digital applications and artificial intelligence. Her work derives principles for co-creating digital tools that will provide pragmatic guidance for designing collaboration in this field.
Contact: rosa.thoneick(at)hcu-hamburg.de
Evert Ypma

PhD candidate
Evert Ypma works as conceptual strategist, design researcher and educator. He consults public institutions and businesses on design-led strategies and change processes. In 2021 he initiated the international laboratory ‘Imagining Science’, which explores and develops concepts at the nexus of design and science. He studied communication design at Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam and AVANS Academy in Breda as well as design management at the University of Applied Sciences Northwest Switzerland. He has worked as course leader, tutor and researcher in BA and MA design study programs, focusing on image politics, transmedia storytelling and design cultures at the institute for design research of the Zurich University of the Arts; MA Design Studio and MAS Art Design + Innovation at the University of Applied Sciences Northwest Switzerland, Basel; Lucerne University of Applied Sciences, School of Art and Design. In 2011, he was a visiting lecturer at the School of Architecture and Design at the University of Technology, Sydney, as well as guest lecturer at other international universities. Other involvements have been in the Art Education Platform Cumulus VisCom Working Group; as ambassador of indigenous design at the International Council of Design; and in the advisory panel of the peer-reviewed journal Communication Design : interdisciplinary and graphic design research (Routledge).
Evert Ypma's doctoral research about “collaborative decision-making through online choice architectures” investigates design concepts for digital participative decision-making processes in urban development. A central question is how interfaces between actors such as citizens, government and development partners can be shaped. Also, the potential of various design strategies for urban co-creation is explored. Transparent information, narration of urban future scenarios, and the participants’ understanding of “digital citizenship” are formative in crafting design methods for participatory urban development.