Kent Larson

Leiter der City Science Group am MIT Media Lab
Kent Larson leitet die City Science Group am Media Lab des Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Seit 1998 leitet er auch das MIT House_n Forschungskonsortium an der Fakult?t für Architektur und Planung. Seine aktuelle Forschung konzentriert sich auf vier verwandte Bereiche: reaktionsf?higes st?dtisches Wohnen, neue st?dtische Fahrzeuge, ubiquit?re Technologien und lebende Laborexperimente. Larson arbeitete 15 Jahre lang als Architekt in New York City, und ver?ffentlichte im Architectural Record, Progressive Architecture, Global Architecture, The New York Times, A+U und Architectural Digest. Sein Buch ?Louis I. Kahn: Ungebaute Meisterwerke“ wurde als eines der zehn besten Bücher im Bereich Architektur, 2000 von The New York Times Review of Books ausgew?hlt. Verwandte Arbeiten wurden von Time Magazine als "Best Design of the Year" -Projekte ausgew?hlt.
Kontakt: kll(at)media.mit.edu
Margaret Church

Research Coordinator
Margaret Church is currently a member of ?the?City Science?group. Her primary role is research coordination with PI Kent Larson and his team. ?This includes various administrative tasks including proposals, event management, international collaborations, social media and communications. ?She works with a diverse team of scientists and research assistants to help coordinate initiatives related to ongoing research efforts. ?
Arnaud Grignard

Research Associate
Arnaud?is working at the MIT Media Lab in the City Science groupon different projects, most of them related to the CityScope project. He develops? a novel methodology of interaction and collaboration called CityScope, a data-driven platform that simulates the impacts of interventions on urban ecosystems prior to detail-design and execution.
Ariel Noyman

Research Associate
Ariel Noyman is a researcher and a project leader at the MIT Media Lab's City Science group. He oversees the integration of the group's diverse research topics (city simulation,? urban mobility,? innovation districts and smart housing) to provide? comprehensive solutions for large scale urban questions.Noyman is an architect and an urban designer with nearly a decade of experience in large-scale urban design, institutional and public projects, urban data visualization and graphic design. He has practiced at leading architectural and design firms in the US, Europe and Israel. His work was featured in Domus, Archdaily, Dezeen and the Guardian to name a few. Noyman has taught? architecture, urbanism and city science? at MIT, Northeastern? University and? Bezalel Academy.? He holds a? Bachelor of Architecture? (Cum Laude, ‘08)? from the Bezalel Academy of Arts & Design, Jerusalem and a Master of Science in Architecture and Urban Design from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Contact: noyman(at)mit.edu
Luis Alberto Alonso Pastor

Research Associate
Luis Alberto Alonso Pastor is a research scientist in the City Science group. He has a PhD in architecture and coordinates the Andorra Living Lab project. He oversees the integration of the group's diverse research topics (energy consumption, city simulation, urban mobility, innovation district, and smart housing) in Andorra's Living Lab project, to provide comprehensive solutions for urban and country challenges, in order to transform Andorra into an "internationally recognized intelligent country."
Yan (Ryan) Zhang

Research Associate
Yan Zhang is currently a graduate student / research assistant in the City Science Group at the MIT Media Lab. His current focus includes developing multi-media interactive city models and interfaces, which enable people to understand and participate in urban design intuitively, and also mobility simulations in complex urban environments.?
Yan has a background for more than 10 years in architectural design with a special emphasis on computational design. He holds a Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University. He has worked as an architect for two world-leading design firms, Skidmore Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM) and von Gerkan, Marg und Partner (GMP). His architecture practice includes parametric form-finding and all-phase-architectural design of the Shanghai Oriental Sports Center. As an architect, he developed a strong sense of design and skills of concept sketching, 3D modeling, physical model fabrication, performance simulation, construction coordination, etc.