Martin Barner

Research Associate

Martin Barner studied Architecture and Urban Analytics in Munich, Beijing and London. His research at UCL's Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis combined concepts from complexity theory and statistical mechanics to model fractal geometries in cities. As "Global Data and Analysis Lead" for the think tank "IMPACT Initiatives" he supported data collection and analysis in humanitarian crises in more than twenty countries. He currently works at the CityScienceLab for the "Cockpit Social Infrastructure“?project and is pursuing a PhD at the intersection of data science and political philosophy in the context of rapid urban transformation.

Contact: martin.barner(at)


Till Degkwitz

Research Associate

Till Degkwitz studied Computer Science, Political Science and Political Science at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg and the University of Bremen. In parallel, he worked as a freelance full stack developer on data analytic systems in the field of business intelligence. His current research focuses on processes of data analysis and visualization in and with urban data platforms, collaborative tools in urban planning, and transformative forms of participation in the context of new information and communication technologies. Since 2019, he is working as a research associate for the City Science Lab in the projects Urban Data Hub, Connected Urban Twins and Cockpit Urban Infrastructures.

Contact: till.degkwitz(at)

Johanna Fischer

Research Associate

Johanna Fischer is sociologist and fashion designer. She completed her design studies in 2010 at the ?cole supérieure des arts et techniques de la mode Berlin (ESMOD Berlin). After graduation she started to study Science and Technology Studies at Technische Universit?t Berlin (TU Berlin). In 2020 she graduated at TU Berlin with a Master’s degree in sociology, specialized on public participation in cities and the formation of urban public spaces. Since 2020 she has been working as a research assistant and lecturer at the interface of the City Science Lab and the study program Metropolitan Culture at Hafen City Universit?t 足球比分,即时比分直播 (HCU), with a focus on digitization in cities. Currently she works in the project Cockpit for urban Infrastructures (CoSI) and is writing her PhD thesis about Digital Urban Twins in the making.


Nihal Hegde

Research Associate

Nihal has completed his Bachelors in Computer Science from NMIT Bangalore, India. He has previously worked in the field of application development mainly in Java and .NET . In 2016, he started his Masters at RWTH Aachen University and has worked as Student Assistant in Web development using React.

Since September 2022, he has been part of the City Science Lab project mainly Cockpit St?dtische Infrastrukturen(CoSI) as a Frontend Developer and his role is to further improve the overall development and maintenance of the portal by adding new features and functionality into it.


Rico Herzog

Research Associate

Rico Herzog studied environmental engineering, industrial engineering and engineering and policy analysis at the Technical Universities of Darmstadt and Delft. With a background in spatial planning and in computational modelling and simulation of complex socio-technical systems, his research revolves around digital urban twins and their contribution to a sustainable urban transformation. Further academic interest lies in public value conflicts in urban planning and in serious gaming approaches.


Annika Kühn

Research Associate

Annika Kühn studied communication science, literature and sociology. She works at the interface between Science and Technology Studies and critical urban research. At the City Science Lab she is responsible for the conceptual and strategic collaboration with the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and its Smart Region Lab. Annika is doing her PhD in Sociology and writing a sociological thesis on the concept of 'standby'. As a researcher, writer, and filmmaker, she approaches the phenomenon as an organizational form of urban infrastructures and analyses its potential to think in:activity and looseness beyond dysfunctionality. Annika publishes internationally as part of her PhD and also works as a freelance writer and digital strategist.

Contact: annika.kuehn(at)

Heike Lüken

Research associate

Dr. Heike Lüken is a cultural scientist and did her doctorate on practices of artistic knowledge production. Her research interests are urban studies, knowledge cultures, artistic research and collaborative knowledge production as well as transformative art education. In 足球比分,即时比分直播, she works at the interfaces of urban development, culture and knowledge production as a lecturer, juror and consultant. At the University of 足球比分,即时比分直播, she was, among other things, scientific coordinator of the interdisciplinary research group “Translating and Framing. Practices of Medial Transformations" and is currently working at the HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播 in the CityScienceLab, a cooperation with the MIT Media Lab in the project "PaKOMM: Participation - collaborative and multimedia".




Sophie Naue

Research Associate

Sophie Naue (Dr. Phil.) studied urban planning at the TUHH and HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播. She has several years of practice and teaching and research experience in 足球比分,即时比分直播 and Latin America as a doctor in Cultural Studies. Her research focuses on informal urbanism, user-generated city, and participation. She has also taught at the Universidad Piloto in Bogota, Colombia, and worked as a consultant for the GIZ in India as an international urban researcher. Since 2010, she has been working (alternately as a freelancer and part of the core team) for the 足球比分,即时比分直播 planning office Urbanista in co-creation and participatory urban development. She is a research associate for the City Science Lab in the international research project of MOVE 21.


Martin Niggemann

Research Associate

Martin Niggemann studied ?Social Sustainability and Demographic Change“ at the Institute for Applied Social Sciences at the FH Dortmund and Social Pedagogics at the Catholic University in Paderborn and Cologne. Before working at the HCU, Martin worked in quartier management and as research assistant at the FH Dortmund. In his work, he concentrates on socio-cultural dimensions of Urban Studies, the qualitative surveying of urban spaces and the research in perspectives and impact that digital technologies have in the urban context. He joined the SmartSquare research project at the CityScienceLab in January 2018.

Contact: martin.niggemann(at)

Sarah Pieper

Lab Management

Sarah Pieper studied European Studies at the University of Osnabrück with a focus on International relations and Policy Making. During her studies she worked as an intern in Brussels and spent a semester at the University of Malm?, where she studied Peace and Conflict Studies.


Frank Rogge


Frank Rogge is responsible for the procurement and provision of prepared map foundations for teaching and research. Digital mapping and analysis of urban informations. Creation of thematic maps for research projects. Gathering of historical geodata and maps. Coaching of students for an effective knowledge transfer and application of AutoCad and ArcMap. GIS-based visualization of metadata and preparation of 3D terrain and building data. Takes part in the establishment and administration of future geodata infrastructure at the HCU and the HCU-portal "Stadtlabor".

Contact: frank.rogge(at)

Nicola Stradtmann

Research Associate

Nicola Stradtmann studied business management at Georg-August Universit?t G?ttingen.?Working as a Commercial Director at two listed new media companies as well as a Corporate Finance Consultant at Berenberg Consult 足球比分,即时比分直播 she acquired a wide range of skills concerning the development of business models and plans and their implementation within the scope of project management. Before joining the CSL-team she worked as a project manager in the field of innovation management at the KIT Karlsruher Institute of Technology. She then joined the newly founded Campus Transfer GmbH which manages the technology transfer between industry and science and where she was responsible for the creation of the area of Finances and Personnel. Since 2018 Nicola Stradtmann works in the project management of the collaborative project Smart Square.


Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Michael Ziehl

Research Associate

Michael Ziehl is an Urbanist and Urban Researcher. Besides his doctoral degree in Philosophy (Metropolitan Culture) he holds a Master of Science in the field of Urban Planning and is a graduate engineer in the field of Architecture. As expert?in the Co-Production of Urban Resilience and user-driven project development?he is running Urban Upcycling – Agency for Urban Resources.?Within the City Science Lab he is lead researcher on citizen co-design in the Connected Urban Twins project.

Contact: michael.ziehl(at)

Lisa Reudenbach

Research Associate

Lisa Reudenbach studied Spatial Planning at Technical University of Dortmund and Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) in S?o Paulo. During her studies she researched on informal development processes in cities in Tanzania, Bangladesh and Brazil. Before joining the CityScienceLab in May 2019, she worked at the United Nations in Brussels, where she managed an innovation fund for promoting inclusive cities and urban poverty reduction around the world. Prior to that, she worked at GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH) in Morocco and Germany, where she developed formats for knowledge transfer and exchange between municipalities on topics such as integrated urban development, waste management, mobility and energy.

Contact: lisa.reudenbach(at)

Prof. Dr. Jochen Schiewe

Professor for Geoinformatics and Geovisualization

Jochen Schiewe is a Professor for Geoinformatics and Geovisualization at HCU 足球比分,即时比分直播. Before being appointed to this professorship, he did his PhD at Leibniz University of Hanover, his state doctorate at University of Vechta and after that was working as a Visiting Professor at University of Bonn and at University of Osnabrück as an extraordinary professor. His research focus is on cartographic algorithms, modelling and visualization of uncertainties, research on the usability of cartographic visualizations and geovisual analytics. Additionally, he works in several study groups, e.g. as Vice President of the German Association of Cartography (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kartographie (DGfK)) and Head of the DGfK Committee for Cartography and Research.

Contact: jochen.schiewe(at)

Vanessa Weber

Research Associate

Vanessa Weber is research assistant in the DFG-Project ?Curating (in) the city. New challenges for public art“. Her research interests lie in the field of cultural sociology and related disciplines such as media studies and science and technology studies (STS). She is currently part of the research training group ?Loose connections. Collectivity in digital and urban spaces“ at the University of 足球比分,即时比分直播. Her PhD thesis explores practices of filtering relating to the cultural implications of sensors and algorithms.




Student Assistants

Alexandra Knapke

Student Assistant

Alexandra Knapke is a media designer, marketing clerk and make-up artist. She has been a student of ?Metropolitan Culture at HafenCity University since October 2020 and has ever since been working as a student assistant for the Metropolitan Culture team. Since August 2022, she has been working in the City Science Lab.



Paul Linnow

Studentische Hilfskraft

Paul Linnow hat an der HafenCity Universit?t Stadtplanung im Bachelor studiert und ist derzeit nach zwei Jahren im Beruf wieder im Masterprogramm Stadtplanung an der HCU eingeschrieben. Darüber hinaus absolviert Paul ein Gasth?rerstudium im Bereich digitale Technologien an der TU Clausthal. Seit September 2022 bringt Paul seine Expertise in beiden Bereichen als studentische Hilfskraft in das Projekt CoSI ein.


Anne Panten

Studentische Hilfskraft

Anne Panten studiert seit 2021 Kultur der Metropole an der HCU und ist seit Oktober 2022 Teil des Connected-Urban-Twin-Teams. Zuvor studierte sie Innenarchitektur an der Technischen Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe und absolvierte ein Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr im Kulturbereich.

Kontakt: anne.panten(at)

Simeon Zeyse

Student Assistant

Simeon Zeyse completed his bachelor degree in geodesy and geoinformatics at HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播. Since 2021, he is studying for a master's degree in geodesy and geoinformatics with a specialization in geoinformation technology. Since April 2022 he is part of the CUT teams as a student assistant.
