The research project "Constructing Innovation" is working with a multidisciplinary research approach combining the knowledge of several departments at the HCU and the TUHH. The specific knowledge brought in by the four particular departments will enlighten various aspects of large scale projects and their role as innovation drivers within the construction industry.?

Project Partners

Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher | Spokesperson
Dr. Joachim Thiel | Co-ordinator
Dipl. Geogr. Johannes Dreher
HCU - Urban and Regional Economics
The Department Urban and Regional Economics will contribute to the research project by focussing on the so called "project ecology". The work will shed light on the organisation of construction project cooperations and how the organisational structures might enhance or impede the development of innovation. Another central question will be which conditions promote innovations from one project to another.

The project coordination lies in this department's responsibility and is performed by Dr. Joachim Thiel.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Annette B?gle
Johanna Ruge M.Sc.
HCU - Structural Analysis and Design?
The civil engineering department Structural Analysis and Design will focus on the technical aspects of large-scale project innovations. The chronological embedment of innovations will be scrutinised by paying attention to innovations concerning not only the design and the construction of the building, but also the materiality and the manufacturing of specific components.

Prof. Dr. Monika Grubbauer
Venetsya Dimitrova M.Sc.
HCU - Urban History and Theory
Prof. Dr. Monika Grubbauer's department will concentrate its work on the ties between architects and engineers. How are new ideas in creative and technical matters implemented? How do artistic demands expressed by architects cope with the technical requirements of a large-scale project? ?

Prof. Dr. Cornelius Herstatt |?Dr. Stephan Buse
Lennart Fahnenmüller, M.Sc.
TUHH - Institute for Technology and Innovation Management
The department Technology and Innovation Management at the TUHH will contribute to the research project by bringing in business and management aspects. Especially the role of the client and his demands for the construction project will be examined in order to evaluate their impact on potential innovations.

Dr. Alessandra Manganelli
postdoctoral researcher
Dr. Manganelli is philosopher and urban planner with a PhD in planning. In the "Constructing innovation“ team she is in charge of preparing research grant proposals for follow-up projects.

Dr. Branislav Machala
post-doctoral researcher
Dr. Machala obtained his PhD in urban-economic geography. In the "Constructing innovation“ team he is in charge of preparing research grant proposals for follow-up projects.