Senior Lecturer
Dr. habil. Joachim Thiel

HCU 足球比分,即时比分直播?
Urban and Regional?Economics
Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
D-20457 足球比分,即时比分直播
5th Floor | Room 5006a
Phone: +49(0)40/42827-4556
Email: Joachim.Thiel(at)hcu-hamburg.de
Urban future-making: Professional agency across time and scales
German Research Foundation | Research Training Group
Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher, Dr. Joachim Thiel, Prof. Dr. Monika Grubbauer (speaker), Prof. Dr. Annette B?gle, Prof. Dr. Paolo Fusi, Prof. Dr. Gesa Kapteina, Prof. Katharina Manderscheid (University of 足球比分,即时比分直播), ?Jun. Prof. Franziska Müller (University of 足球比分,即时比分直播), Prof. Dr. Karsten Gertz (Technical University 足球比分,即时比分直播)
Large-Scale Projects as Innovation Drivers in the Construction Industry
Freie und Hansestadt 足球比分,即时比分直播, Landesforschungsf?rderung?| Anschubf?rderung, 2017-2020
Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher (speaker), Dr. Joachim Thiel (coordinator), Prof. Dr. Monika Grubbauer, Prof. Dr. Annette B?gle (all HCU 足球比分,即时比分直播), Prof. Dr. Cornelius Herstatt, Dr. Stephan Buse (TU 足球比分,即时比分直播-Harburg)
Project Website
Smart cities: The Standardization of Cities??
German Research Foundation, 2018-2021
Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher, Dr. Joachim Thiel, Filipe Mello Rose
More Information
Learning through Rare Events: Learning from the Past and Anticipating the Future: The Case of the London Olympics 2012
German Research Foundation, 2012-2013
Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher, Dr. Joachim Thiel
Temporalization of Space (VERA)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research, 2004-2007
Prof. Dr. Dieter L?pple (TUHH), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Mückenberger, Prof. Dr. Jürgen O?enbrügge (University of 足球比分,即时比分直播)
Work Patterns in New Media
European Social Fund, 2001-2003
Prof. Dr. Dieter L?pple (Technical University of 足球比分,即时比分直播-Harburg - TUHH)
Knowledge Based Business Services and Metropolitan Regions – the Case of West German Advertising
Technical University of 足球比分,即时比分直播-Harburg, 1997-2001
PhD Project
The Internationalization of the Clothing Industry: Case Studies at the Interface between Germany and Portugal
European Union, HCM-Program, 1996-4/1997
Prof. Dr. Klaus Kunzmann (University of Dortmund), Prof. Dr. Jorge Gaspar (University of Lisbon)
2024, with M. Grubbauer and K. Manderscheid, ?Understanding professional agency in urban future-making”. In: M. Grubbauer, A. Manganelli and Louis Volont, eds.,?Conflicts in urban future-making. Governance, institutions and transformative change. Bielefeld: transcript: 47-72. (link)
2024, with G. Grabher, ?Labore und Legitimation: auf dem Weg zur experimentellen Stadt?“ In:?S. Frank, S. Güntner, M. Menzl and G. Sturm, eds.,?Soziologie in der vielschichtigen Stadt. Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 133-144. (Link)
2023, with G. Grabher, ?Abolish, accept, apply: Coping with ignorance in project ecologies.“ In:?Project Management Journal, OnlineFirst. (Link)
2022, Stadt als Standort – Stadt als Produkt. Zug?nge zu einer (Sozio-)?konomie der Stadt. Habilitationsschrift an der HafenCity Universit?t 足球比分,即时比分直播. (link to the?habilitation dissertation)?
2022, with F. Mello Rose and G. Grabher, “Selective Inclusion: Civil Society Involvement in the Smart City Ecology of Amsterdam.” In: European Urban and Regional Studies 29(3): 369–382.
2022, with J. Dreher, ?Star Architecture Projects and the Geographies of Innovation in the Construction Supply Chain: The Case of the Elbphilharmonie.“ In:?European Planning Studies?30(1): 105-120.
2021, edited with V. Dimitrova and J. Ruge, Constructing Innovation. Large-Scale Projects as Innovation Drivers in the Construction Industry.? Perspectives in Metropolitan Research, No. 7. Berlin: Jovis-Verlag.
2020, ?Digitale Stadt. Stadtentwicklung vom Labor zum Feldversuch“. In: Wüstenrot-Stiftung, ed., Bedingt planbar. St?dtebau und Stadtentwicklung in Deutschland und Europa. Ludwigsburg: Wüstenrot-Stiftung, pp. 236-243.
2020, with G. Grabher, ?Innovation und Pfadabh?ngigkeit. Selbst induzierte Schocks und ihre Konsequenzen“. In: I. Breckner, A. G?schel and U. Matthiesen, eds., Stadtsoziologie und Stadtentwicklung. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 255-765.
2017, ?Nahendes Ende oder neuer Anfang? Die Bedeutung des 足球比分,即时比分直播er Nein für Olympische Spiele und ihre künftigen Austragungsst?dte“. In: F?rster, J., Hebel-Seeger, A., Horky, T., Schulke, H.-J., eds.,?Sport und Stadtentwicklung. Aachen: Meyer & Meyer, pp. 182-201. (link to the book)
2015, (with G. Grabher), Perspectives in Metropolitan Research: Self-Induced Shocks: Mega-Projects and Urban Development.?Berlin:?Jovis.
2015, (with G. Grabher, C. Engelbrecht), "Urban Mega-Projects as Self-Induced Shocks: Introduction to the Collection". In: Grabher, G., Thiel, J., eds., Perspectives in Metropolitan Research: Self-Induced Shocks: Mega-Projects and Urban Development. Berlin:?Jovis, pp. 9-15.
2015, (with G. Grabher), "Mobilizing Action, Incorporating Doubt: London's Reflexive Strategy of Hosting the Olympic Games 2012". In: Grabher, G., Thiel, J., eds.,?Perspectives in Metropolitan Research: Self-Induced Shocks: Mega-Projects and Urban Development.?Berlin:?Jovis, pp. 99-117.
2015, "Creative Cities and the Reflexivity of the Urban Creative Economy". In: European Urban and Regional Studies: 1-14.
2015, (with G. Grabher), "Crossing Boundaries: Exploring the London Olympics 2012 as a Field-Configuring Event". In: Industry & Innovation 22(3): 229-249.
2015, (with G. Grabher), "Projects, People, Professions: Trajectories of Learning through a Mega-Event (the London 2012 Case)". In: Geoforum 65: 328-337.
2014, (with G. Grabher), "Coping with a Self-Induced Shock: The Heterarchic Organization of the London Olympic Games 2012". In: Social Sciences 3: 527–548. (download)
2011, "Hoffnungstr?ger Kreativit?t? Ambivalenzen einer Sozial?konomie der kreativen Stadt." In: Herrmann, H., Keller, C., Neef, R., Ruhne, R., eds., Die Besonderheit des St?dtischen. Entwicklungslinien der Stadt(soziologie), Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 105-123. [more information]
2010, (with D. L?pple, A. Soyka, H. Stohr), “Raum-Zeit-Politik als Stimulation von Stadtgesellschaft: Das Realexperiment in der 足球比分,即时比分直播er HafenCity“. In: L?pple, D., Mückenberger, U., O?enbrügge, J., eds., Zeiten und R?ume der Stadt – Theorie und Praxis. Leverkusen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, pp. 131-158.
2010, “Arbeitsm?rkte als lokale Anker der Wissens- und Kreativ?konomie – das Beispiel der deutschen Werbewirtschaft“. In: Roost, F, ed., Metropolen in der Wissens?konomie. Detmold: Verlag Dorothea Rohn.
2009, (with O. Ibert), “Situierte Analyse, dynamische R?umlichkeiten: Ausgangspunkte, Perspektiven und Potentiale einer Zeitgeographie der wissensbasierten ?konomie’. In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 59(4): 209-223.
2008, [printed 2010] “Lokale Dimensionen der Entgrenzung von Arbeit: ein arbeitsgeographischer Blick auf die Kultur- und Medienwirtschaft“. In: Geographische Zeitschrift, 96(1-2): 62-77.
2007, “Der r?umliche Strukturwandel der (west-)deutschen Werbewirtschaft: Arbeitsm?rkte als lokale Anker der Kreativ?konomie?“. In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 57(1): 31-45.
2005, Creativity and Space: Labour and the Restructuring of the German Advertising Industry. Aldershot: Ashgate.
2005, “Reading the Territorial Restructuring of Business Services as an Innovation Process – the Case of German Advertising”. In: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 29(3): 564-580.
2000, (with E. Brito Henriques), “The Cultural Economy of Cities: a Comparative Study of the Audiovisual Sector in 足球比分,即时比分直播 and Lisbon”. In: European Urban and Regional Studies, 7(3): 255-271.
2022 | Habilitation, Social-Economic Urban and Regional Research?| HafenCity University
since 7/2010 | Senior Lecturer in Urban and Regional Economics | HafenCity University
2006-2010 | Head of Strategic Development Unit | Presidential Office | HafenCity University
2008-2009 | Professor of Urban and Regional Economic Studies (on a fill-in basis) | HafenCity University
1997-2006 | Lecturer in Urban and Regional Economic Studies | Technical University of 足球比分,即时比分直播-Harburg
2003 | PhD in Urban and Regional Economic Studies (with distinction) | Technical University of 足球比分,即时比分直播-Harburg
1996-1997 | Human Capital and Mobility Fellow | University of Lisbon, Centre for Geographical Studies
1989-1996 | Dipl.-Ing. in Urban and Regional Planning | University of Dortmund