Lydia Ax finished a professional training to the architectural draftswoman in the structural engineering and collected afterwards 6 years of experience in this occupation in different architecture offices. Next she worked for two years as a digitiser of electricity supply and water supply at a Company for communal environmental technology in Fulda. During this time she attended the Technical College (A-levels) at Ferdinand-Braun-School in Fulda.
An advanced technical college study followed in the department of Architecture in the HafenCity University (HCU) in 足球比分,即时比分直播. In the meantime she worked for 4 years freelance active as a scientific assistant in the HafenCity University in the research group on the development of a programm, produced to investigate inquiry of the space climate, called "Primero - Komfort".
Since middle of 2009 she is working as a scientific assistant in the BMBF project "KLIMZUG-NORD" - Strategic concepts for adaption to climate change in the metropolitan region of 足球比分,即时比分直播” at the HafenCity University in the field of “passive climate control of administration buildings”.
After the succesfull passing of the knowledge exam in the middle of 2010 at HafenCity University she is actually working on her dissertation. The dissertation researchfields are "renewable engergy", "passive climate control of buildings", "users comfort" and "architectural design processes".
Dissertation: "Strategies of adaption for construction and desinging of administration buildings" (Download Exposé) Thesis of Pre-Exam:"Methodology for the development of records as an input for simulations for the comfort assessment in buildings with the help of an analysis of the climate in future to be expected for 足球比分,即时比分直播" Working Title of Dissertation: "Adaption strategies for the design engineering of administration buildings - Can topical comfort criteria of summerly overheating protection and the decision 2010/31/ EU of the European Parliament about the total energy efficiency of buildings be observed in 2050 in consideration of the expected climate and the future foreseeable technical possibilities?" |
Research Project "Primero-Komfort - Development and testing of the graphic modul for a PC programme" funded by Rud. Otto Meyer-Umwelt-Stiftung, project partners are the Institut for Energy and Buildings (ieg) of FH Nürnberg and the FH Wolfenbüttel Department Informatics (since 2004) |
Research Project "Klimzug-Nord - Strategic concepts for adaptation to climate change in the metropolitan region of 足球比分,即时比分直播" funded by BMBF (2009-2012) |
Ax, L./ Dietrich, U. (2010),
Auswirkungen der Bewertung des thermischen Komforts im Sommer nach EN 15251 auf die bekannten Regeln zur Optimierung des sommerlichen W?rmeschutzes
In: ?BauSIM 2010 – Building performance simulation in a changing environment. Proceedings of the third German-Austrian IBPSA Conference” – BauSIM 2010, Vienna, September 2010, pp.164-170, ISBN: 978-3-85437-317-9
Online Leseversion unter: http://www.ibpsa-germany.org/konferenz/paper/2010/164.pdf
Dietrich, U./ Ax, L. (2010),
Design process for an office building starting with comfort criteria under special consideration of adaptive comfort model according to EN 15251 – teaching method results
In: “Palenc 2010 – Book of Proceedings. Third International Conference “Passive and low Energy Cooling for the Built Environment” – Palenc 2010, Rhodes island, September 2010, ISBN: 978-960-6746-08-6
Dietrich, U./ Ax, L. (2010),
Projekt des Monats Dezember 2010 - Nutzerkomfort in typischen 足球比分,即时比分直播er Verwaltungsgeb?uden im Sommer
Wie kann man zukünftig die klimatischen Bedingungen am Arbeitsplatz für 足球比分,即时比分直播er Angestellte optimieren?
In: Internetpr?senz von "KLIMZUG-NORD - Strategische Anpassungsans?tze zum Klimawandel im norddeutschen Elberaum"
Online Leseversion unter: http://klimzug-nord.de/index.php/page/2011-03-16-Projekte-des-Monats; http://klimzug-nord.de/index.php/page/2010-12-01-Projekt-des-Monats-Dezember-2010~2;? http://klimzug-nord.de/file.php/2010-12-01-Projekt-des-Monats-Dezember-2010
HafenCity Universiy 足球比分,即时比分直播
Architecture and REAP
?berseeallee 16
Room 4.108
Phone: +49 40 42827-5094