Udo Dietrich studied physics at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena and graduated with a focus on theoretical optics. Thereafter he worked on architectural building physics, in various engineering offices and universities. In 1995, he took up a professorship at the University of Applied Sciences (HAW) in 足球比分,即时比分直播 – since 2006 HafenCity University (HCU) 足球比分,即时比分直播 - in the areas of Building Physics, Energy-Optimised Building and Passive Air Conditioning. He has developed computer software for building energy simulation and has a particular interest in the comfort of building occupants.
Prof. Dietrich is teaching in the departments architecture and REAP.
Information about courses, projects and thesis can be found under Bachelor Architecture , Master Architecture and Master REAP.
2010 | Roetzel, A., Tsangrassoulis, A., Dietrich, U., Busching, S. (2009): A review of occupant control on natural ventilation, “renewable and sustainable energy reviews”, Volume 14, Issue 3, April 2010, Pages 1001-1013 |
2010 | Lydia Ax, Udo Dietrich: ?Auswirkungen der Bewertung des thermischen Komforts im Sommer nach EN 15251 auf die bekannten Regeln zur Optimierung des sommerlichen W?rmeschutzes“, BAUSIM 2010, Wien, Tagungsband |
2010 | Roetzel, A., Dietrich, U., Tsangrassoulis, A., Busching, S.: ?Balancing buildings and occupants, a holistic approach to thermal comfort and greenhouse gas emissions in mixed mode offices”, Adapting to change: New Thinking in comfort, Windsor, United Kingdom, proceedings |
2010 | Udo Dietrich , Lydia Ax, Design process for an office building starting with comfort criteria under special consideration of adaptive comfort model according to EN 15251 - Teaching method and results“, palenc 2010, rhodos, proceedings |
2010 | A. Roetzel, A.Tsangrassoulis, U.Dietrich, S.Busching: “Occupant’s comfort expectations - a thermal lifestyle?”, PALENC 2010, Rhodos, proceedings |
2010 | Astrid Roetzel, Aris Tsangrassoulis, Udo Dietrich und Sabine Busching: ?On the influence of building design, occupants and heat waves on comfort and greenhouse gas emissions in naturally ventilated offices. A study based on the EN 15251 adaptive thermal comfort model in Athens, Greece“, building simulation, vol 3, issue 2, S. 87-103, Juni |
2009 | Udo Dietrich: ?Auswirkungen des in der EnEV 2009 nun auch für Wohngeb?ude geforderten Nachweises des sommerlichen W?rmeschutzes nach DIN 4108-2 auf die Notwendigkeit bauseitig bereit zu stellender Verschattungssysteme“, erscheint in Bauphysik Heft 4/09 (Dezember) |
2009 | Roetzel, A. Dietrich, U., Tsangrassoulis, A., Busching, S. (2009): Influence of building use on comfort and energy performance in offices, Healthy Buildings Conference proceedings, 13.-17.9.2009, Syracuse, NY, USA |
2009 | Udo Dietrich: “Optimisation of Climate Robust Buildings under Summer Conditions with “Primero-Comfort” Simulation Software including detailed User Behavior and Comfort Expectance” bei SASBE2009 (3. international conference on smart and sustainable build environments) 15.-19.6.2009 in Delft |
2009 | Udo Dietrich: ?Vermeidung von Schimmelpilz auf den ?u?eren Umfassungsfl?chen unged?mmter Wohnbauten - Durch Lüften anzustrebende maximale relative Luftfeuchtigkeit im Inneren der R?ume (Vorschlag für eine Lüftungsampel)“ in Gesundheits-Ingenieur - Haustechnik - Bauphysik - Umwelttechnik 1 (2009) Heft 6 |
HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播
Architecture and REAP
Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
20457 足球比分,即时比分直播
Room 4.107
phone: +49 40 42827-5096