Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Udo Dietrich


Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning (REAP)

Building physics, Energy-optimised building and passive air conditioning, Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning (REAP)

Office hours during the semester:?by appointment?

Udo Dietrich studied physics at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena and graduated with a focus on theoretical optics. Thereafter he worked on architectural building physics, in various engineering offices and universities. In 1995, he took up a professorship at the University of Applied Sciences (HAW) in 足球比分,即时比分直播 – since 2006 HafenCity University (HCU) 足球比分,即时比分直播 - in the areas of Building Physics, Energy-Optimised Building and Passive Air Conditioning. He has developed computer software for building energy simulation and has a particular interest in the comfort of building occupants.

Focus of research:

Integral planning: energy – environment – comfort – quality of architecture
Support for sustainable building
Building simulations

Research Group - Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning (REAP)

- Information?on REAP Research Group is located here.
- Information on REAP projects is located here.

Prof. Dietrich is teaching in the departments architecture and REAP.

Information about courses, projects and thesis can be found under
Bachelor Architecture , Master Architecture and Master REAP.

2010 Roetzel, A., Tsangrassoulis, A., Dietrich, U., Busching, S. (2009): A review of occupant control on natural ventilation, “renewable and sustainable energy reviews”, Volume 14, Issue 3, April 2010, Pages 1001-1013
2010 Lydia Ax, Udo Dietrich: ?Auswirkungen der Bewertung des thermischen Komforts im Sommer nach EN 15251 auf die bekannten Regeln zur Optimierung des sommerlichen W?rmeschutzes“, BAUSIM 2010, Wien, Tagungsband
2010 Roetzel, A., Dietrich, U., Tsangrassoulis, A., Busching, S.: ?Balancing buildings and occupants, a holistic approach to thermal comfort and greenhouse gas emissions in mixed mode offices”, Adapting to change: New Thinking in comfort, Windsor, United Kingdom, proceedings
2010 Udo Dietrich , Lydia Ax, Design process for an office building starting with comfort criteria under special consideration of adaptive comfort model according to EN 15251 - Teaching method and results“, palenc 2010, rhodos, proceedings
2010 A. Roetzel, A.Tsangrassoulis, U.Dietrich, S.Busching: “Occupant’s comfort expectations - a thermal lifestyle?”, PALENC 2010, Rhodos, proceedings
2010 Astrid Roetzel, Aris Tsangrassoulis, Udo Dietrich und Sabine Busching: ?On the influence of building design, occupants and heat waves on comfort and greenhouse gas emissions in naturally ventilated offices. A study based on the EN 15251 adaptive thermal comfort model in Athens, Greece“, building simulation, vol 3, issue 2, S. 87-103, Juni
2009 Udo Dietrich: ?Auswirkungen des in der EnEV 2009 nun auch für Wohngeb?ude geforderten Nachweises des sommerlichen W?rmeschutzes nach DIN 4108-2 auf die Notwendigkeit bauseitig bereit zu stellender Verschattungssysteme“, erscheint in Bauphysik Heft 4/09 (Dezember)
2009 Roetzel, A. Dietrich, U., Tsangrassoulis, A., Busching, S. (2009): Influence of building use on comfort and energy performance in offices, Healthy Buildings Conference proceedings, 13.-17.9.2009, Syracuse, NY, USA
2009 Udo Dietrich: “Optimisation of Climate Robust Buildings under Summer Conditions with “Primero-Comfort” Simulation Software including detailed User Behavior and Comfort Expectance” bei SASBE2009 (3. international conference on smart and sustainable build environments) 15.-19.6.2009 in Delft
2009 Udo Dietrich: ?Vermeidung von Schimmelpilz auf den ?u?eren Umfassungsfl?chen unged?mmter Wohnbauten - Durch Lüften anzustrebende maximale relative Luftfeuchtigkeit im Inneren der R?ume (Vorschlag für eine Lüftungsampel)“ in Gesundheits-Ingenieur - Haustechnik - Bauphysik - Umwelttechnik 1 (2009) Heft 6

Lydia Ax, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Sonja Schelbach, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) M. Altbauinstandsetzung


Sebastian Seelig


HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播

Architecture and REAP
Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
20457 足球比分,即时比分直播

Room 4.107
phone: +49 40 42827-5096