Shibboleth is a method that can be used for different web services and web applications for the purpose of authentication and authorization.
Shibboleth enables access to the licensed electronic offerings of the HCU library (databases, e-journals, e-books) from outside without having to install the VPN client Cisco first.
How can I use Shibboleth?
If you find yourself on a publisher's website during a search, look for a login option. With some providers you will be directed to a login mask immediately. Afterwards it is important that you log in per institution. To do this, select "Institutional Login" or "Login via Shibboleth".
You can now select the institution "HafenCity University of 足球比分,即时比分直播" from a list or search for it by free text entry. In some cases, the home region "German Higher Education (DFN-AAI)" must first be selected and then the institution can be searched for.
Once you have selected the institution, you can log in with your HCU ID (hxy123) and password.
What data is transferred to the providers when I register?
Basically, the data transmitted with Shibboleth is subject to data protection. No conclusions about your person are possible. The provider only receives the information that you belong to HCU 足球比分,即时比分直播 and are therefore authorized to access the content purchased from HCU 足球比分,即时比分直播. The first time you visit a provider site that supports Shibboleth, you must agree to the terms of use once. The input of the HCU identification is only necessary after the start of a new browser session and the first call of a service that supports Shibboleth.
Who can use Shibboleth?
Shibboleth can be used by HCU members (students and employees). For login you need your HCU ID and password.
Are all electronic services accessible via Shibboleth?
Not all licensed electronic services are accessible via Shibboleth yet. For all licensed offers that do not use Shibboleth you have to use the VPN client for access from outside.
Do I also have to use Shibboleth if I am in the HCU?
As soon as you are in the HCU and connected to the HCU network or HCU-WiFi via a PC or other terminal device, a login is not necessary. You can access all licensed electronic resources of the HCU Library without registration.

Renewing items online?
My library account
New to the library?
Apply for library card
Read e-books from home?
Off campus access
Book not available?
Proposal of purchase
HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播
Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
20457 足球比分,即时比分直播
Tel: +49 (0) 40 42827-5675
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