The workstations of the library all have access to the Internet. HCU-members can use the Internet with their user ID (e.g. hxx123).
External library users need to contact the service counter for internet access.
How do I get with my notebook, tablet or smartphone into the internet?
In order to use the HCU-WiFi system you may use the roaming service eduroam (education roaming). With eduroam, HCU members have the possibility to log in to the wireless network at the HCU (and at other participating universities). The HCU-login and a special WiFi configuration are required. Eduroam offers various installation programs for this purpose. An internet connection is required for installation. You can find more information in the IT Helpdesk (login with HCU ID like this: hcuhh\hxy123).
I am a guest or a student at another university - can I get into the HCU-WiFi?
Guests cannot use WiFi on HCU campus. To use the Internet at the library workstations, please contact the service desk.
Members of other universities can connect to the HCU-WiFi via eduroam. It is recommended to install eduroam at your home institution.
How do I get into HCU`s WiFi system from home?
A VPN software enables you to connect to the HCU-WiFi system from outside (e.g. at home). Thereby you can:
- access nearly all e-books, e-journals and databases licensed for HCU
- access the HCU network drives
To connect to HCU`s WiFi system from outside, you need your HCU-login and the downloaded Cisco AnyConnect client on your device. You can find more information in the IT Helpdesk (login with HCU ID like this: hcuhh\hxy123).
To access our licensed content via VPN, please use the MFA-HCU-SSLVPN.
Is there anything to consider?
Please note the IT usage rules and the supplementary usage rules for PC/Internet workstations in the HCU library (in German).
If you have any questions, please contact the library team at the service desk:
Tel: +49 (0) 40 42827-5675
E-mail: recherche(at)hcu-hamburg.de

Renewing items online?
My library account
New to the library?
Apply for library card
Read e-books from home?
Off campus access
Book not available?
Proposal of purchase