Study organization


In this section you will find information on organising your studies, including:

Exam dates
of the current semester

module plans,
which suggest which modules and module modules you can choose in which semester

Module cards,
which show you the qualification objectives, course content and examination modalities for each module.

The General Study and Examination Regulations (ASPO) of HCU and the Special Study and Examination Regulations (BSPO) of the study programme Culture of the Metropolis form the legal basis of your studies. They regulate the study objectives, standard period of study, course achievements and types of courses, repeatability of examinations, possibilities for recognition of examination achievements as well as the curriculum. You can find the ASPO and BSPO here.?

Module Plan

The module plan represents the study plan of the Special Study and Examination Regulations (BSPO). It is a recommendation as to the order in which you can complete the modules in the course of your studies. For the teaching areas "Projects", "Theory of the City", "Methods of Urban Analysis" as well as "Mediation of the City", we recommend that you keep to the suggested order. The elective area "Interdisciplinary Issues" as well as the interdisciplinary courses of study are suitable to be chosen in a different order than the one suggested and depending on the area of interest.?

The Bachelor's programme is designed as a full-time programme (40 hours per week including preparation and follow-up time). To complete the programme in the standard period of study of six semesters, you must take 30 CP (credit points) per semester. 1 CP corresponds to a workload of 30 hours over the entire semester (lecture and lecture-free time). This includes contact time with your lecturers and self-study (preparation and follow-up). How much time you should spend on self-study is regulated in the respective module cards (see below).

Module Plan Metropolitan Culture (examination regulations of 2015)

Module Cards

Module cards describe each module in detail. It gives information about qualification objective, class content examination regulations, etc.

Module cards Metropolitan Culture


Study counselling

We recommend that you take counselling in your field of study from the 2nd semester onwards. This supports you in planning your studies and developing perspectives in and outside of your studies.

Contact person:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Raphael Schwegmann


Please send your request in advance by e-mail to Inga Reimers: inga.reimers(at)

Please bring the form for academic counselling with you to the interview: download.


Equipment loans

You can find an overview of the equipment loan of Culture of the Metropolis and all information about the loan here.

Financial Support

On the following webpage you can find an overview of scholarship opportunities. Please contact the scholarship organization directly in order to obtain more information: <link en io financial-support>