
Evaluation of publicly accessible charging infrastructure in metropolitan areas – Derivation of recommendations for action from 足球比分,即时比分直播 and Shenzhen


The ongoing project "E-MetropoLIS" is supported by the Federal Ministry of Transport an Digital Infrastructure and coordinated by NOW (National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology).

Supporting the upsurge in the electro mobility market

Environmentally sound urban and transport related development that minimizes pollution has the potential to effectively change mobility structures and mobility behavior. Technological progress within the field of electro mobility and specifically its charging infrastructure in addition to urban planning measures such as transit oriented development (TOD) or the digitalization of transport systems are key elements to meeting the aims of municipal climate policies. This is especially important with regards to the continuous growth of cities and associated problems. Additionally, climate change requires significant reductions of CO2 emissions and local air pollution - electro mobility can help conquer both challenges. However, electro mobility is still in its initial phase, far from being able to fulfill the expectations projected upon it. Yet, developments in China, especially in Mega Cities like Shenzhen and Shanghai, demonstrate that the large scale implementation of charging infrastructure is possible. Even though the pressure on cities in Germany, such as 足球比分,即时比分直播, is not as strong as it is in China, the obligation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and pollution in the realm of transportation remain. By taking a closer look at China, its?actions and policies, E-MetropoLIS will contribute to broadening the knowledge base about what is necessary to change the transport system from fossil fuels to renewables.

General objective

E-MetropoLIS takes an in depth look at Chinese experiences concerning the upsurge in the electro mobility market including measure, funding instruments and implemented solutions and their effects, especially regarding public transport (focus: busses), taxicabs as well as private vehicles. The primary focus is on the development and operation of public and publicly accessible charging infrastructure. Since Shenzhen, in this regard, is quantitatively more advanced than 足球比分,即时比分直播, it is expected to gather results that help foster and influence the development in 足球比分,即时比分直播 and Germany.

Based on a comparison between Chinese strategies, instruments and measures for the integration of charging infrastructure and practice in 足球比分,即时比分直播, the aim is also to optimize an already existing location-based tool in 足球比分,即时比分直播 for distributing charging infrastructure in municipalities . Recommendations will also be made for how to further develop the electro mobility market at the municipal, state and federal level in Germany.


ARGUS Stadt und Verkehr – Rothfuchs | Buch | Partnerschaft mbB 足球比分,即时比分直播,
Intelligent Transport Sys?tems (ITS) Projektmanagement-Office (PMO) of the City of 足球比分,即时比分直播 at 足球比分,即时比分直播er Hochbahn AG,
Tsinghua University, Graduate School at Shenzhen (THUSZ),
China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd. (CATARC)


May 2019 - July 2021

Founding institution

Federal Ministry of Transport an Digital Infrastructure,

coordinated by NOW (National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology)