Stadtplanung und Regionalentwicklung

Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1 (Raum 03.03.14 | Campus Tower)
20457 足球比分,即时比分直播
Tel.: 040-42827-4530


Fachliche Schwerpunkte:

Governance und Beteiligungsformate

Urbane Transformation und Postwachstum

Design Anthropologie


Since 2024
Research Associate at Department of Urban Planning and Regional Development, HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播.

02/2022 – 05/2022
Visiting Research Fellow at the Center for Invention and Social Process (CISP), Goldsmiths University London.

09/2021 – 12/2021
Research Residency at the Critical Maker Laboratory, Einstein Center for Digital Futures, TU/UdK Berlin.

Since 2018
PhD candidate at Institute of Sociology and Cultural Organisations, Leuphana University Lüneburg.

Junior Researcher at the Institute of Contemporary Design Practices (ICDP), FHNW Academy of Art and Design, Basel.

M.A. Integrative Design, Thesis title: “Open Movement – Knowledge practices in open design”

2016 – 2018
Research assistant at the Institute for Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM), FHNW Academy of Art and Design, Basel.

B.A. European Media Studie, Thesis title: “post publishing – A practical exploration of design capabilities of electronic books and its operational limits”


Since 2024
Fab City: Transition? Governance und Stadtr?umliche Integration, Department of Urban Planning and Regional Development, HCU 足球比分,即时比分直播. Role: research associate.

03/2019 – 02/2023
Commons in Design. Institute for Contempary Design Practices, HGK Basel. Research project funded by SNSF (No. 179178). Role: doctoral researcher.

02/2020 – 12/2020
Co-Lab – An online tool for collaborative design processes. Institute for Contempary Design Practices, HGK Basel. Project funded by “FHNW Lehrfonds” grant. Role: research associate.

09/2018 – 03/2019
??Augmented Spaces – A Scenographical Observation. Institute for Experimental Design and Media Cultures, HGK Basel. Research project funded by SNSF (No.159277). Role: research assistant.

03/2018 – 12/2020
GARET (Gamified augmented reality exposure therapy). Lead: Dominique de Quervain, research at Division of Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Basel. Role: Interaction Designer.

11/2016 – 09/2018
Shift Register – Media-geological Grounding of the Anthropocene through Artistic Research. Lead: Jamie Allen. Research project funded by SNSF (No.166400). Role: research assistant.

03/2017 – 06/2017
Living Data – Data visualization with living displays. Team: Merle Ibach, Benjamin Gaub (NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering), as part of the program Art of Molecule, ETH Zürich.


Peer-reviewed articles

Ibach, M. (forthcoming 2024). Inselgarten und Komposttoilette: Prototyping von nachhaltigen Zukunftsvisionen und die ?kologischen und sozialen Folgen. In Wie gestalten wir Gesellschaft? Transcript.

Ibach, M. (2022). Printing Utopia: The Domain of the 3D Printer in the Making of Commons-Based Futures. Journal Design and Culture, 1–22.

Ibach, M. (2021). Making A Cup: An Autoethnographic Study on the Domain of Making and its Distinction from Designing. In M. Christensen, R. Michel, & W. Jonas (Eds.), NERD - New Experimental Research in Design 2 (pp. 74–89). De Gruyter.

Greiner-Petter, M., & Ibach, M. (2021). Digital Tools for Collaborative Design Processes. Swiss Design Network: Design as Common Good, 627–639.

Ibach, M., Büsse, M., Gerloff, F., Bed?, V., Miyazaki, S., & Allen, J. (2019). Unmaking: Against General Applicability. In L. Bogers & L. Chiappini (Eds.), The critical makers reader: (un)learning technology (pp. 47–60). Institute of Network Cultures.

Wintersemester 2023/24

  • Oops-a-daisy: Mutationen wissenschaftlicher Textk?rper, Interdisciplinary workshop at CoCreate, HGK Basel.

Sommersemester 2023

  • Global approaches to design and art education. Seminar at BA Design and Art Education, HGK Basel.
  • The Art of Protest. Seminar at BA Scenography and Interior Design, HGK Basel. Assistance, lead Prof. Dr. Aylin Tschoepe.

Wintersemester 2022/23

  • Writing from scratch. Interdisciplinary workshop at CoCreate, HGK Basel.
  • Designtheorie. Seminar at BA Scenography and Interior Design, HGK Basel. Assistance, lead Prof. Dr. Aylin Tschoepe.

Wintersemester 2021/22

  • Schreibwerkstatt / Writing Workshop. Seminar at Masterstudio Design, HGK Basel.
  • Local Tools for global Pandemic. Workshop at MA Transformation Design, FH Augsburg.

Wintersemester 2020/21

  • Co-Lab – An online tool for collaborative design processes. Interdisciplinary Workshop at HGK Basel.
  • Verwobene Koexistenzen. Interdisciplinary workshop at Critical Media Lab with Flavia Caviezel, HGK Basel.

Wintersemester 2015/16

  • Seminar: Typografie Grundlagen, Seminar at Transmediale Gestaltung. Universit?t der Künste Berlin. (Assistance, lead Jenny Baese.)
  • Seminar: Technosphere. Seminar at Elementares Gestalten, FH Potsdam. (Assistance, lead Prof. Myriell Milicevic).
