Dr.-Ing. Michael Bose

Regional Development und Regional Planning

?berseeallee 16
(room 5.046)
D-20457 足球比分,即时比分直播

phone: +49 0()40 42827 4522
mail: michael.bose@hcu-hamburg.de
Consultation hours by appointment



Topics of Teaching and Research
- Methods, instruments and procedures in urban and regional planning
- Development of international metropolitan areas
- Planning concepts and structures of cooperation in metropolitan regions
- Regional strategies for settlement and traffic


Since 2012
Senior Academic Lecturer, Head of the field Regional Development and Regional Planning at HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播


Suspended at HCU for work at HCUMARC: Senior Advisor for the Development of Urban Planning Master Course at Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture (HCMUARC) in HCMC/Vietnam

2006 – 2/2010

Senior Academic Lecturer, Head of the field Regional Development and Regional Planning at HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播


Senior Academic Lecturer at Technical University of 足球比分,即时比分直播-Harburg/Institute for Urban, Regional and Environmental Planning, focus of research: regional development in metropolitan areas

Appointment to C4-Professor for Urban Planning at University of Kaiserslautern. WS 1998/99 teaching and research at University of Kaiserslautern

Senior Academic Lecturer at Technical University of 足球比分,即时比分直播-Harburg/Institute for Urban, Regional and Environmental Planning, research projects and expert studies: modelling and implementation of planning information systems

Dr.-Ing. (Degree: Doctor of Engineering)

Academic Lecturer at Technical University 足球比分,即时比分直播-Harburg, teaching and research projects: structure, zoning and comprehensive planning, plan implementation procedures and participation, modification of planning law and regional planning

Civil servant, Planning Department, Ministry of Construction, City State of 足球比分,即时比分直播

Dipl.-Ing. (Urban and Regional Planning), Technical University of Berlin

Bachelor Course:
Propaedeutic (Bose/ Pohlan/ Schubert)
Introduction in Methods of Urban Planning (Bose/ Pohlan/ Schubert)


Master Course:
Urban and Regional Development
International Aspects of Urban and Regional Planning
International excursions
Supervision of study projects


- Planning concepts and organizational structures for metropolitan areas in developing countries
- Strategies for settlement, traffic and transportation in metropolitan areas

- Planning, implementation and current challenges in capital cities built in the 20th century

Excursion of HCU Urban Planning master students to metropolitan area of Kuala Lumpur: Development Strategies for the Metropolitan Region of Kuala Lumpur, visit to Universiti Malaya (UM), presentation Urban Planning Education and Planning Practice in Germany (06/2014)

Presentations in front of a Chinese delegation of parliamentarians and urban planners from Guangzhou region: Spatial strategies for sustainable Development in Mega Urban Regions and Regional Cooperation to support sustainable Development in Mega Urban Regions (08/2013)

Excursion of HCU Urban Planning master students to Estonia: Economic Development and Regional Disparities, visit to Geographic Institute at University of Tartu (06/2013)

Excursion of HCU Urban Planning master students to Amsterdam: New Towns in the Netherlands, visit to International New Town Institute (INTI) in Almere (06/2012)

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the field of “Regional Development and Regional Planning” and the “Urban Development Agency” of the Ministry of Construction concerning questions about “International Planning and Development, Planning Management and Spatial Organization”, Hanoi; second excursion to Vietnam (13/06/2011)

Excursion of HCU Urban Planning master students to Poland, visit to the courses “Regional Development” at Jagiellonian University, Cracow, and “Urban and Regional Planning” at Technical University, Gdansk; return visit to “Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning” at Technical University, Warsaw (06/2009)

Advisor for the department of Urban Planning at Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture for the development of the course units “Institutional and Legal Framework” (03/2009)

Excursion of HCU Urban Planning master students to Denmark, visit to the course “Urban Planning and Management” at University of Aalborg (05/2008)

Advisor for the department of Urban Planning at Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture for the development of the course units “Regional Planning” (03/2009)

Excursion of HCU Urban Planning master students to Vietnam, visit to Urban Planning courses at Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture and Hanoi Architectural University (05/2007)

Member of the German/Vietnamese research project “The balance of Urban Growth and Redevelopment in Ho Chi Minh City – Sustainable Housing Policies for Megacities of Tomorrow”, responsible for action field “Integrated regional development and spatial organization” (2005-2007)

Excursion of HCU Urban Planning master students to Vienna and Bratislava, visit to the courses “Spatial Planning” at Technical University of Vienna and “Spatial Planning” at Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava (05/2004)