
BIM Basic course

Building Information Modeling (BIM) refers to a cooperative working method that uses digital models of a building to consistently record and manage the information and data relevant to its life cycle and exchange it in transparent communication between the parties involved or transfer it for further processing (definition of BIM, Federal Chamber of Architects / "Digital Planning and Building" step-by-step plan, BMVI 2015).?

BIM is currently the hot topic in the construction value chain. Since the "Reform Commission for the Construction of Major Projects" and the Federal Ministry of Transport's "Phased Plan for Digital Planning and Construction", Germany has been working intensively on the introduction of model-based processes for the planning, construction and operation of buildings and infrastructure. But what exactly is behind this acronym? Is it just a fad or a serious paradigm shift? We want to explore this together, get to know the basics of BIM and examine whether we need to go beyond BIM in the long term. We need to start understanding the concept behind BIM and begin to manage all the information that is used to control processes in the built environment. This can no longer be postponed, especially in terms of sustainability.?

>> more information for HCU students available in the course catalog under?ahoi

New Technologies in Urban and Spatial Planning

The comprehensive innovations in the field of new technologies continuously present new challenges to the discipline of urban planning and its actors. In addition to integration into the development concepts and guiding principles of the city and region (e.g. smart city, smart region), this also means inclusion in the repertoire of instruments and methods (e.g. digital participation, augmented reality, parametric design). As a result, the understanding of urban planning and the role of planners must constantly change in order to do justice to the changed framework conditions. Developments in the use of digital tools in related disciplines must also be taken into account and interfaces used.?

In the module, students gain an insight into the status of current developments in the areas of virtual city and smart city as well as computer-aided methods of urban and spatial planning through contributions and discussions with experts. Students are familiarized with the use of smart technologies for data collection, information acquisition, processing and dissemination and develop in-depth knowledge of the potentials, areas of application and risks from the perspective of urban and spatial planning.?

>> more information for HCU students available in the course catalog under ahoi

Supervised work


Akyol, H. (2019). Methodische Analyse des Planungsansatzes BIM im Hochbau (Unver?ffentlichte Masterthesis). HafenCity Universit?t, 足球比分,即时比分直播.

Zarindast, P. (2019). Attributierung von Fachobjekten der Stra?enplanung für den BIM-Lifecycle (Unver?ffentlichte Masterthesis). HafenCity Universit?t, 足球比分,即时比分直播.

Boncukcu, M. (2021). Urban Assessment In Grasbrook District Master Plan With CityScope Digital Tool (Unver?ffentlichte Masterthesis). HafenCity Universit?t, 足球比分,即时比分直播.


Boy, L. & Ehrenreich, D. (2020). BIM-based information management of the built environment for solar effect and interaction assessment (Unver?ffentlichte Bachelorthesis). HafenCity Universit?t, 足球比分,即时比分直播.

Witte, D. (2021). Verbindung von sensorisch erfassten Daten, IFC-Modellen und einer Datenbank zur ?kologischen Optimierung von Bestandsgeb?uden (Unver?ffentlichte Bachelorthesis). HafenCity Universit?t, 足球比分,即时比分直播.

Alatassi, M. N. (2023). BIM-Integriertes Lean Management: Anwendungen vom BIM-Modell im Lean Management zur Optimierung und Visualisierung von Taktprozessen in der Bauausführung am Beispiel eines Gro?projekts (Nikolai-Insel) (Unver?ffentliche Bachelorthesis). HafenCity Universit?t, 足球比分,即时比分直播.

Teaching calendar

Wintersemester 2022/23


"Arc-B-602-005 Building Information Modeling (BIM)"

Mo. 10:15-11:45
Teachers: Prof. Daniel Mondino

Neue Technologien

"SP-M-303-100 Neue Technologien in der Stadt- und Raumplanung"

Tu. 08:15-09:45
Teachers: David Ehrenreich