Lars Frederiksen, Aarhus University

Lars Frederiksen is engaged in three parallel but converging streams of research:?First, he studies how and why individuals generate ideas, solve problems and collaborate to modify and develop products and services in communities. He also investigates how organizations gain access to this external source of knowledge.?Second, Lars Frederiksen?investigates how individuals venture into entrepreneurship. He is interested both in processes of entry into entrepreneurship as well as the survival and growth of the newly founded organizations.?Third, Lars explores innovation in project-based organizations. This research seeks to improve our understanding of how capabilities and new business models emerge and evolve to create and capture value.?

His talk at HCU will explore how a professional service firm (PSF) entered, grew and shaped the new and rapidly developing global market for “ecocities”. Ecocities are experiments in ecologically sustainable urban development. These radical innovations in urban design represent a response to the global challenge of rapid urbanization and climate change. The PSF started out by creating a prototype master plan for Dongtan on a site close to Shanghai in China, a pioneering design for a “zero-carbon” city. Based on the experience and learning gained from the Dongtan project, the firm built a new business focused on the global ecocity market.



