Junior Professorship (Tenure-Track)
Timber Engineering and Building Construction

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Timo Claus

The Chair of Timber Engineering and Building Construction is dedicated to current issues of material efficient and lifecycle-oriented timber constructions. In the field of research, timber engineering solutions will be further developed, experimentally investigated, standardized and systematized. In teaching, the focus on innovative construction with wood is anchored in the Bachelor's and Master's degree courses.

Please contact me if you are interested in writing a Bachelor's or Master's thesis in the field of timber constructions. I will be glad to support you.


since 06/2024
Junior Professor (Tenure-Track) for Timber Engineering and Building Construction , HafenCity University, 足球比分,即时比分直播

since 10/2021
Project Manager in the field of structural design, str.ucture GmbH, Stuttgart

since 10/2021
Lecturer for Structural Engineering and Timber Connections in the Master’s program “Energy Efficiency and Timber Construction”, Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences

PhD-Thesis ?Design and calculation of notched beam supports and mortise and tenon joints in timber construction “

01/2016 until 09/2021
Scientific member at the chair of Timber Construction and Building Rehabilitation, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Kassel, Germany

10/2013 until 12/2015
Master Studies in Civil Engineering at the University of Kassel

10/2009 until 05/2013
Bachelor Studies ? Wood Building and Construction “, Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences


Research Projects

04/2019 until 04/2020??
Research and development project with Würth GmbH & Co KG: Development of fully threaded screws with internal fibre optic strain measurement for continuous measurement of axial forces in fasteners?????????????

11/2017 until 04/2019??
ZIM cooperation project with Pirmin Jung Deutschland GmbH: Development of form-fit connections and their dimensioning system for multi-storey timber panel construction

01/2016 until 10/2017??
ZIM cooperation project with Cordes Holzbau: Development and production of form-fit timber-timber connections including calculation model for spatially complex geometries



Claus T., Ehrhardt K., Lienhard J., Michalski A., Stute P., Burger S. (2024): A Paradigm in Digital Design for a Complex Timber Framework, Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), 2024.

K. Ehrhardt, T. Claus, J. Lienhardt, A. Michalski, Ph. Stute, S. Burger: A Case of Integrated Architectural and Structural Innovation in Timber Construction, Design Modelling Symposium (DMS), Kassel, Germany, 2024


Claus, T., Seim, W., Küllmer J.: Load distribution of self-tapping screws - Experimental investigations with FBG measurement screws, European Journal of Wood and Wood Products Volume 80 / Issue 1 (2022), S. 183-197, 2022.


Claus, T., Seim, W.: Formschlüssige Verbindungen für den Holzbau (Form-fit connections for timber construction), Bauen mit Holz 1/2021

Claus, T., Seim, W.: FE-Analysis of end-notches beams and tenon joints – J-integral versus cohesive zone modelling XVI International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications COMPLAS 2021


Claus, T.: Entwurf und Berechnung von ausgeklinkten Tr?gerauflagern und Zapfenverbindungen im Holzbau (Design and calculation of notched beam supports and mortise and tenon joints in timber construction), PhD-Thesis, University of Kassel, 2020.

Claus, T., Seim, W.: Zapfenverbindungen im Holzbau – bruchmechanische Analyse und Vorschlag eines Berechnungsmodells (Mortise and tenon joints in timber construction - fracture mechanics analysis and proposal of a calculation model), Bautechnik 97/S2, 76-85, 2020.


Claus, T., Seim, W.: Development of the multiple tenon timber connection based on experimental studies and FE simulation Engineering Structures 173, 331-339, 2018.

Claus, T., Seim, W., Liese, J.: Friction under cyclic loading 15th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Seoul, 2018.

Claus, T., Riehle, T., Seim, W., G?tz, T.: Interlocking shear wall connections 15th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Seoul, 2018.


Claus, T., Seim, W., Schr?der, S.: Multiple tenons- Experimental study on load-bearing capacity and deformation characteristics, 14th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Vienna, 2016.

Claus, T., Seim, W.: Multiple tenons - Numerical studies on local reinforcement and geometrical optimization, 14th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Vienna, 2016.


Collaboration in

Seim, W., Hummel, J.: Timber Engineering - Basics Course: Elements and Connections (in German: Ingenieurholzbau Basiswissen: Tragelemente und Verbindungen), Ernst & Sohn, 2019.

Seim, W.: Timber Engineering - Advanced Course: Structures and Calculation Methods (in German: Ingenieurholzbau Vertiefung: Tragwerke und Berechnungsmethoden), Ernst & Sohn, 2022.

Contact & Informations

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Timo Claus
Phone:?+49 40 300880 5129

Room 4.028 (Lobby 4.031)
Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
20457 足球比分,即时比分直播

Office Hours

Office hours: Wednesdays 11:00-12:00 (by appointment).