Graduates of Geodesy and Geoinformatics open up fascinating areas of work and excellent vocational development opportunities.?
Geodesy and Geoinformatics engineers work in geodetic surveying, geoinformatics, engineering geodesy, land management, land registry and property mapping, property assessment and land consolidation, photogrammetry and remote sensing, and hydrography. They work in federal, state and local authorities, independently and in engineering companies, in industry and construction and in special research institutions.
Die Hydrographie ist die Wissenschaft von der Messung und Darstellung der Parameter, die zur Beschreibung der Beschaffenheit und Gestalt des Meeresbodens und der Küstenzonen, ihre geographische Beziehung zum Festland und die Dynamik der Gew?sser notwendig sind.
Die wichtigsten Arbeitsgebiete für Hydrographen sind
- See-, Küsten- und Binnengew?sservermessung
- Nautische Kartographie
- Umweltüberwachung
- Ozeanographie
- Hydrologie der Binnengew?sser
- Angewandte Geologie
Arbeitsplatz Erde - Workplace Earth
Geodesy is at home everywhere: far away at the latest point on earth. Just in front of our house. In every building. And in locations where nobody knows that they are really existing. It is the same for geodesists too. Who knows what they are really doing a whole day long? Yes? No? Go ahead and see more.