LAKE TANA REGION | Prospectives of Future Urbanisation

Three Day International Scientific Workshop | Ethiopia | Bahir Dar University | 17.-19. February 2011

Currently the Ethiopian population is rapidly increasing. According to experts, the number will rise from 78 million inhabitants today, to 120 million within the next 15 years. At the same time subsistence agriculture can no longer feed this growing population. Consequently migration into the urban centres is accelerating, in order to make use of low-income opportunities here. This situation in conjunction with a housing backlog has led to degradation and overcrowding in informal settlement expansions in and at the peripheries of the cities. Strategies to accomodate this population influx, such as the NesTown Project in the Amhara Region, need to be developed and refined.

But the plans on settlement level also need to be placed into a lager urbanisation policy. This seeks to link the urban potentials but also serves natural protection and securing the the agricultural and cultural resour- ces. The workshop therefore tries to enforce the discussion of these matters in prospective of a regional development framework for the Lake Tana City Region. This would thereby form part of a sustainable poly- centrical urban network on Ethiopian level.?

Participation?in?the?workshop?is?open?to?professionals?from?the?related?fields?of?architecture,?economic?development, environmental?issues,?social?sciences,?cultural?studies,?administration?and?other?fields?relevant?to?the?topic?of?urbanisation in?the Lake?Tana?Region.

The workshop will be hosted by the Bahir Dar University with Vice President Dr. Firew Tegegne, with additional support from Prof. Higelin, Scientific Director of the Institute of Technology. The project is further initiated by Prof. Dr. L?pple from the HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播, Prof. Oswald of the Future Cities Laboratory at ETH Zurich, as well as Zegeye Cherenet and Fasil Giorghis of the EiABC at Addis Abeba University.?

February 17th | Keynote Inputs


Dr. Baylie Damtie, President of the Bahir Dar University.

Dr. Firew Tegegne, Bahir Dar University, Vice President for Research and Community Services. Opening Speech: Relevance of the Workshop for the Region and BDU


Key Note Inputs

Prof. Dr. Dieter L?pple, HafenCity Universit?t, International Urban Studies. Key Note Speech: Shaping the Ethiopian Urbanisation Process.

HE Kassa T/Brhan G/Hiwot, Federal Council, Speaker of the House. Key Note Speech:?Growth and Transformation Plan - Impact on Lake Tana Region

Prof. Dr. Einhard Schmidt Kallert, Director of SPRING, Technical University Dortmund. Key Note Speech

Fasil Giorghis, Addis Ababa University, EiABC. Key Note Speech: Cultural History of the Lake Tana Region

Prof. Gerald Higelin, Bahir Dar University, Director of the Technical Faculty. Key Note Speech: Interplay of Technology and Urbanisation Processes

Moderation: Prof. Franz Oswald.


Podium Discussion


Opening Dinner

(for registered participants)


February 18th | Visions

Key Note Inputs

Genet Gebre Egziabher, Regional Urban Planning Institute. Key Note Speech: Structural Planning. Guiding the Urbanisation Process.

Dr. Gete Zeleke, Private Consultant. Key Note Speech


Working Groups

(please register for participation)

Working Group I: Building and urban re-structuring. Input: Zegeye Cherenet. Moderation: Zerai Mesfin.

Working Group II: Urbanisation Patterns and Dynamics in the Lake Tana Region. Input: Endegena Ejigayehu. Moderation: Nadine Appelhans.

Working Group III: Land Management in the Lake Tana Region. Input: Seid Hussein. Moderation: Genet Alem.

Working Group IV: Regional Development Policies. Input: Teshome Tafa. Moderation: Fasil Giorghis.


Conference Dinner

(for registered participants)


February 19th | Synthesis

Report of the Working Groups. Moderation: Prof. Franz Oswald.

Final Discussion. Moderation: Zegeye Cherenet.

Farewell Reception.

The event was held at the Management Institute in Bahir Dar.


In case of questions please contact:

Dipl.-Ing. Nadine Appelhans
HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播
Winterhuder Weg 31 | R 264
D-22085 足球比分,即时比分直播
Telephone Germany | +49 (0)40/428 27 45 63
Mobile Ethiopia | +251(0)912912255
Email?|?Nadine Appelhans


Conference Downloads

Supported by:

Senatskanzlei 足球比分,即时比分直播
