M. Arch. Zegeye Cherenet

Curriculum Vitae

Born in Addis Ababa, 1972. Earned B.Sc in Architecture and Urban Planning from Addis Ababa University,1994 and Master of Architecture (with Honor) from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT, Roorkee),1998. He has been teaching design in the Department of Architecture - Addis Ababa University since 2000.? Guest lecturer - in various colleges and universities in Ethiopia and abroad on theories in contemporary and vernacular architecture in Ethiopia and trends of urbanization in North-East Africa. Academic Guest (August 2006 – August 2007) in the department of architecture in ETH Zurich, teaching design and construction under the chair of Professor Marc Angelil and Professor Andrea Deplaz.? Serving as a chairman of the department curriculum committee AAU, Architecture since 2005. Served as a general secretary of the Association of Ethiopian Architects (AEA, 2004-2008). ?In addition to teaching architectural design, runs his practice with his partners in Addis Ababa (OADUS architecture and engineering-office for architecture, design and urban studies). Has designed and built many private and public buildings in various places in Ethiopia. Currently serving as a deputy director of EiABC (Ethiopian institute of Architecture, Building construction and City development- in Addis Ababa University) and also a Chair holder of architecture and design in the institute (October 2009-February 2011).

PhD project title:

DESIGNING THE INFORMAL? In search of water sensitive and sustainable urbanization strategies. The case of Lake Tana Region - Ethiopia.


  • At EiABC of Addis Ababa University:
  • Basic Design Principles. Learning from nature.
  • Basic Architectural Design. Space, Program and Technology.
  • Creative Programs and Innovations in Urban Design.
  • History of Ethiopian Architecture.
  • Visual Communication Skills in Architecture.
  • Zegeye Cherenet: Rural-urban interface at the edge. The case of flower farm workers housing at the periphery of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on SCUPAD congress 2009, Salzburg- Austria.
  • Zegeye Cherenet: Architecture and the city. Space-time and the everyday-Addis Ababa. On the 11th congress of AEA (Association of Ethiopian Architects)
  • Zegeye Cherenet: The changing role of the architect. A brief revision in the making of Addis Ababa. On the 9th congress of AEA (Association of Ethiopian Architects)
  • Zegeye Cherenet: The city of Hawassa, As a cultural and economic crossing point in the southern nations of Ethiopia. An attempt to make a mark. On an assembly of social and religious leaders in the city of Hawassa, December, 2008
  • Zegeye Cherenet: The NEXT Urban explosion in Ethiopia, on construction ahead, Ethiopia, 2009, butterfly publishers, Addis Abba Ethiopia
  • Zegeye Cherenet: The portrait of an isolated nation – Abyssinia/ Ethiopia (an attempt to investigate historical roots for the present urban challenges in Ethiopia). On Cities of Change, Addis Ababa, ETH Zurich, 2010 Birkh?user publishers
  • Zegeye Cherenet: Educating the future city, AEA journal- volume IX, November 2009.
  • Zegeye Cherenet: Eco- Architecture, Special focus on cluster housing guideline for Ethiopia, (M.Arch. Dissertation) U.O.R. India, (1998).
  • Zegeye Cherenet: Self-sustained group housing design guideline, on the proceedings of the international conference on planning for the 21st century, university of Roorkee, India, (1997).