Research Associate

Filipe Mello Rose

Smart Cities: The Standardization of Cities?
German Research Foundation, 2018-2021
Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher, Dr. Joachim Thiel

Mello Rose, F., Thiel, J., & Grabher, G. (2022). Selective inclusion: Civil society involvement in the smart city ecology of Amsterdam. European Urban and Regional Studies, 29(3), 369–382.

Mello Rose, F. (2022). Activity types, thematic domains, and stakeholder constellations: Explaining civil society involvement in Amsterdam’s smart city. European Planning Studies, 30(6), 975–993.

Mello Rose, F. (2021). The unexpected persistence of non-corporate platforms: The role of local and network embeddedness. Digital Geography and Society, 2, 100020.

Mello Rose, F., & Dabène, O. (2017). From the network to the ground: lessons from Recife’s Ocupe Estelita Movement and its shifts across different spaces of mobilization [Master Thesis]. Sciences Po Paris.

Alice Dang, Gernath, R., Mercier, B., & Mello Rose, F. (2016). Building Visions with Glass and Steel (Governing the Large Metropolis, p. 82) [Academic Study Trip Report]. SciencesPo Paris.


since 2017 |?Research Associate in project "Smart Cities: The Standardization of Cities?" funded by?German Research Foundation

2015-2017 | Master "Governing the Large Metropolis" | Urban School of the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Science Po)?

January - March 2017 | Visiting researcher at the Universidad Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) in Recife, Brazil | Financed by a research grant from the Réseau Fran?ais d'Etudes Brasilianistes (REFEB)

2011 - 2014 | Bachelor in Social and Political Sciences | Franco-German Campus of the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Science Po) in Nancy