Prof. Dr. Michael Hirschbichler

Design and Experimental Creation - Center for Spatial Cosmology

The spaces we create and inhabit are more than mere backdrops. They are physical and tangible manifestations of cultural and social values. And they shape our identities, our beliefs, and our understanding of our surroundings. In other words, they reflect how we conceptualize the world, and they influence how we perceive, imagine, and transform it.

In times of profound ecological crisis, technological upheaval, social fragmentation, and conflicts over resources, histories and facts, engaging with the connection between spaces and cosmologies is more urgent than ever. The professorship for Design and Experimental Creation, and its teaching and research platform—the Center for Spatial Cosmology (CSC)—aim to critically explore and speculatively reimagine this connection.

The Center for Spatial Cosmology (CSC) is a transdisciplinary platform spanning across the fields of art, architecture, and anthropology. It seeks to examine the relationship between spaces (buildings, places, landscapes, and environments) and the cosmologies (worldviews, belief systems, myths, and ideologies) that shape them and are constructed through them.

In this endeavor, we are committed to:

  • Transdisciplinary Creation: Merging art, architecture, and anthropology (AAA) to discover the cultural, political, and emotional dimension of spatial constructions and built environments.
  • Concrete, Grounded Practice: Engaging with the messy realities of spaces, where material and immaterial forces intertwine, with a down-to-earth, hands-on approach, and a broad spectrum of experimental media.
  • Cosmological Inquiry: Investigating and working with traditional and contemporary spatial cosmologies, and elucidating the complex, dynamic, and speculative dimensions of space-making—following the question: “What world emerges from the spaces we make?”

We thereby combine critical analysis and speculative transformations through art works and experimental architectural designs. Expanding conventional understandings, perceptions, and practices, the CSC strives to contribute to rethinking and reimagining space- and worldmaking at a critical time.


Prof. Dr. Michael Hirschbichler

Dr. Phil. Elizabeth Gallón Droste?| Post-Doc

Jeanne Astrup-Chauvaux??| Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Can Grothmann?| Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Ali Al-Saadi?| Tutor?

Kontakt & Informationen

Center for Spatial Cosmology

Prof. Dr. Michael Hirschbichler
Design and Experimental Creation

Raum 3.111.3
Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
20457 足球比分,即时比分直播



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