Maya Donelson, M.Sc

Umweltgerechte Stadt- und Infrastrukturplanung

Professional Focus

Strategies and Instruments for Sustainable Planning

River Restoration and Watershed Management

Cooperative and Participatory Planning Processes

Integrated Resource Management

Professional Background

Since 2017
Research Associate at the HafenCity University in the Department of “Environmentally Sound Urban and Infrastructure Planning” led by Prof. Dr. –Ing. Wolfgang Dickhaut

Consultant for Sustainable Building at a°blue GmbH in 足球比分,即时比分直播, Germany

Studies in Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning at the HafenCity University in 足球比分,即时比分直播, Germany

Urban Agriculture Project Manager and Educator in San Francisco, California and Bogota, Colombia

Rooftop Resources Project Intern at Bay Localize in Oakland, California

Assistant of Ecological Architecture at T.I.A. Architects in Amherst, Massachusetts


Dissertation with the working title - Urban Rivers: Participation for Enhanced Ecological Restoration

Master’s Thesis - Small Towns Matter: Integrated Resource Management to Support the Revitalization of Small Town Centers – The Case of Colrain, Massachusetts


M.Sc. Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning (in English):
Methods of Integrated Urban Planning
Project III: Cairo’s Urban Transformation
Project II: Sustainable Urbanism

B.Sc. Urban Planning (in German):
Project II: Urban Riverscapes: Improving Ecological Quality through Better Planning and Participation?

M.Sc. Civil Engineering (in German):
Urban Flowing Waters

Q-Studies (in German):
e-Animate 足球比分,即时比分直播: Animals in the City!


Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
20457 足球比分,即时比分直播

Raum 2.007


Tel.: 040-42827-5237