Ajith Edathoot
Fachgebiet Umweltgerechte Stadt– und Infrastrukturplanung
Fachliche Schwerpunkte
Grauwasser-Recycling und -Wiederverwendung / Greywater Recycling & Reuse
Dezentrales Abwassermanagement / Decentralised Wastewater Management
Fl?chendeckende inklusive Abwasserentsorgung / Citywide Inclusive Sanitation
Beruflicher Werdegang
Since 2021
Research Associate at the HafenCity University in the Department of “Environmentally Sound Urban and Infrastructure Planning” led by Prof. Dr. –Ing. Wolfgang Dickhaut
Since 2020
Project Manager, UrbanWaters Consulting GmbH, Luebeck
Project Co-ordinator, Knowledge Management & Capacity Building at BORDA, Bremen
Senior Training Content Developer, at CDD Society, Bangalore, India
2012 – 2015
Project Manager, Ecosan Services Foundation, Pune, India
Master of Technology in Technology & Development at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India
R&D Trainee, Pelican Biotech & Chemical Labs, Alappuzha, India
Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology Engineering at University of Calicut, India
Main author:
Edathoot, A., Nicolics, S., Staribacher, E., Caballero, A., Panse, D., Labhasetwar, P., Doyle, L., Langergraber, G., (2015): Application of the NaWaTech safety and O&M planning approach for MBR and SBR treatment systems at Amanora Park Town, Pune, India. Water and Development Congress & Exhibition. IWA
Masi, F., Bresciani, R., Rizzo, A., Edathoot, A., Patwardhan, N., Panse, D., Langergraber G., Green Walls for grey water treatment and recycling in dense urban areas: a case-study in Pune, Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, IWA Publishing 2016
Masi, F., Bresciani, R., Rizzo, A., Edathoot, A., Patwardhan, N., Panse, D., Langergraber G., (2015): Vertical Gardens for Greywater Treatment and Recycling In Dense Urban Areas: A Case-study In India. Water and Development Congress & Exhibition. IWA
Contributing Author In: Introducing City Sanitation Plan: Practitioner’s Manual (2016), GIZ India
Contributing Author In: Barreto Dillion, L., Doyle, L., Langergraber, G., Satish, S. and Pophali, G. (Editors), (2013): Compendium of Natural Water Systems and Treatment Technologies to cope with Water Shortages in Urban areas in India. Berlin: epubli GmbH
Edathoot, A., (2013): Implementation of City Sanitation Plans, Case Study Kochi; Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management URL: www.sswm.info