

Cerrone, D.,?López Baeza, J., & Lehtovuori, P. (2020).?Optional and necessary activities: operationalising Jan Gehl's analysis of urban space with Foursquare data.?International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development,?11(1), 68-79.

López Baeza, J. (2020). La mirada de Adolf Loos sobre el café vienés como tercer lugar.?Páginas (Rosario): Revista Digital de la Escuela de Historia,?12(29), 10.

López Baeza, J. Weber, V., Noennig, J. R., Grignard, A., Noyman, A., Larson, K., Nguyen, T., Saxe, S., & Baldauf, U. (2020).?Testing optimization scenarios of cruise passenger land transportation using agent-based models. In Social Simulation for Policy 2019. Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2019. Springer.

López Baeza, J., Noennig, J. R., Weber, V., Grignard, A., Noyman, A., Larson, K., ... & Baldauf, U.?(2020).?Mobility Solutions for Cruise Passenger Transfer: An Exploration of Scenarios Using Agent-Based Simulation Models. In B. Müller & G. Meyer (Eds.),?Towards User-Centric Transport in Europe 2?(pp. 89-101).?Springer.


Carrasco Hortal, J., García-Valero, B. E., Francés, F., Lucas, A., Carratalá, L., & López Baeza, J. (2019). Migrant Tools: Recursos de Aprendizaje para un Mundo de Entidades en Tránsito. In A. Lledó Carreres, J. M. Antolí Martínez, & N. Pellín Buades (Eds.),?Redes de Inves?gación e Innovación en Docencia Universitaria Volumen 2019. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante, Ins?tuto de Ciencias de la Educación (ICE).

Hick, D., Urban, A., & Noennig, J. R. (2019). A pattern logic for a citizen-generated subjective quality of life index in neighborhoods.?2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON), 1282-1286.

Kelber, M., Lorenz, A., & Noennig, J. R. (2019). Dynamic workshop‐design for cooperative innovation thinking in a circulating and expanding knowledge transfer.?Proceedings of the 14th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) Matera 2019.

Kemmer, L., Kr?mer, S., Peters, C. H., & Weber, V. (2019). Locating affect.?Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory,?20(1), 1-4.

Kemmer, L., Peters, C. H., Weber, V., Anderson, B., & Mühlhoff, R. (2019). On right-wing movements, spheres, and resonances: An interview with Ben Anderson and Rainer Mühlhoff.?Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory,?20(1), 25-41.

Meier, S., Tost, J., & Heidmann, F. (2019). On the relevance of cartography — An interaction design perspective.?Proceedings of the International Cartographic Association, 2(84).

Noennig, J. R., & Stelzle, B. (2019). Citizen Participation in Smart Cities – Towards an User Engagement Protocol.?Proceedings of the 14th International Forum for Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) Matera 2019.

Noennig, J. R., & Wiesenhuetter, S. (2019). Invention engineering–a novel approach to support creativity in engineering, practice and research.?Bulletin of the National Technical University ?KhPI? Series: New solutions in modern technology, 1, 42-47.

Saegebrecht, F., John, C., Schmiedgen, P., & Noennig, J. R. (2019). Experiences and outcomes from a traveling innovation lab experiment.?Measuring Business Excellence, 23(2), 121-135.

Stelzle B., Jannack A., Holmer T., Naumann F., Wilde A., & Noennig J. R. (2021). Smart Citizens for Smart Cities – A user engagement protocol for citizen participation. In M. E. Auer & T. Tsiatsos (Eds.),?Internet of Things, Infrastructures and Mobile Applications.?Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,?Vol.1192 (pp. 571-581). Springer. 

Stelzle, B., & Noennig, J. R. (2019). A method for the assessment of public participation in urban development.?Urban Development Issues,?61(1), 33-40.

Tatum, K., Cekic, T., Landwehr, A., Noennig, J., Knieling, J., & Schroeter, B. (2020). Co-creation of local mobility solutions: Lessons from the mobility lab in 足球比分,即时比分直播-Altona. In B. Müller & G. Meyer (Eds.),?Towards User-Centric Transport in Europe 2?(pp. 16-27). Springer.


Cerrone, D., López Baeza, J., &?Lehtovuori, P. (2018).?Integrative urbanism: Using social media to map activity patterns for decision-making assessment.?Proceedings of the 13th International Forum for Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) Delft 2018?(pp. 1094-1107).

Hick, D., Urban, A., Naumann, F., & Noennig, J. R. (2018).?Data4City – Data‐based business modeling for service design and urban planning.?Proceedings of the 13th International Forum for Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) Delft 2018.

Hildebrandt, P., Evert, K., Peters, S., Schaub, M. Wildner, K., & Ziemer, G. (2018).?Performing citizenship: Bodies, agencies, limitations. Palgrave Macmillan.

Holmer, T., & Noennig, J. R. (2018).?Analysing Topics and Sen?ments in Citizen Debates for Informing Urban Development.?Proceedings of the 13th International Forum for Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) Delft 2018.

Kelber, M., Noennig, J. R., Herberger, D., & Nyhuis, P. (2018).?Communication design: A driving source for wide‐ranging production networks.?Proceedings of the 13th International Forum for Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) Delft 2018.

López Baeza, J., Carrasco, J., García Valero, B., Francés, F., Lucas, A., & Carratala, L. (2018). Sobre la percepción: Etiquetado de material gráfico en talleres compartidos por Arquitectura y Sociología del Derecho. In R. Roig‐Vila (Ed.),?El compromiso académico y social a través de la investigación e innovación educativas en la Ense?anza Superior?(pp. 648-658). Octaedro.?

López Baeza, J., Carrasco, J., García Valero, B., Francés, F., Lucas, A., & Carratala, L. (2018) Tooling the tagging: Discusión de categorías y esquitado de materiales gráficos en talleres compartidos por arquitectura y derecho. In R. Roig‐Vila (Ed.),?Redes-innovaestic 2018. Libro de actas = Xarxes-innovaestic 2018. Llibre d’actes?(pp. 395-396).?Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación (ICE) de la Universidad de Alicante.

Meier, S., & Glinka, K., (2018). Data‐driven personal cartographic perspectives – An overview of applied, artistic, and academic visualization projects for egocentric retrospective analysis of personal spatio‐temporal behavior.?Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information, 68,?127–133.

Noennig, J. R., Schaber, L., Schiewe, J., & Ziemer, G. (2018).?Car sharing as an instrument for urban development: Conceptual framework and simulation on interactive Cityscope tables. In B. Mueller & G. Meyer (Eds.),?Towards usercentric transport in Europe?(pp. 135-148).?Springer.

Reimers, I. (2018). Beobachtung: (Feld‐)Notzen eines künstlerisch‐ethnographischen Labors. In M. Hinz, M. Kranixfeld, N. K?hler, & C. Scheuerle (Eds.),?Forschendes theater in sozialen feldern: Theater als soziale kunst III. Kopaed.

S?gebrecht, F., Schmieden, P., John, C., & Noennig, J. R. (2018).?TRAILS: Experiences and insights from a traveling innovation lab experiment.?Proceedings of the 13th International Forum for Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) Delft 2018.

Schwegmann, R. (2018).?Macht-(W)Orte: Kulturelle Geographien des Rechts und der ?konomie am Beispiel südasiatischer Migrationsgeschichten. Transcript Verlag.

Stelzle, B., Naumann, F., Holmer, T., Jannack, A., & Noennig, J. R. (2018).?A minimal viable process and tools for massive participation in urban development.?Proceedings of the 13th International Forum for Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) Delft 2018.

Tomás Castelló, P., López Baeza, J., & Pastor, C. (2018).?Use of applications with georeferenced contacts ‘dating apps’ to identify creative areas. In S. Syngellakis & J. Melgarejo (Eds.),?Urban Growth and the Circular Economy?(pp. 197-207). WIT Press.


Berger, H. M., & Ziemer, G. (Eds.).?(2017).?New stakeholders of urban change: A question of culture and attitude?.?Riba Enterprises.

H?lker, N., Hovy, K., & Ziemer, G. (2018). Das Projekt ?FindingPlaces“. Ein Bericht aus der Praxis zwischen Digitalisierung und Partizipation. In?T. Redlich, M. Moritz, & J. P. Wulfsberg (Eds.),?Interdisziplin?re Perspektiven zur Zukunft der Wertsch?pfung?(pp.?273‐284).?Springer Gabler.?

Hick, D., Urban, A., & Noennig, J. R. (2017).?How to Design the Internet of Buildings? An Agile Design Process for Making the Good City.?TECNOSCIENZA: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies,?8(2), 105-128.

Holmer, T., & Noennig, J. R. (2017). Listening to the Crowd: Einsatzm?glichkeiten der Diskursstrukturanalyse für die Partizipation in der Stadtplanung. In T. K?hler, E. Schoop, & N. Kahnwald (Eds.),?Wissensgemeinschaften in Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und ?ffentlicher Verwaltung?(pp. 118-124). Proceedings of 20th Conference GeNeMe.

Münster, S., Faliou, B., Georgi, C., Heijne, K., Klamert, K., Noennig, J. R., & Pump, M. (2017).?Implications and concepts for a massive digital participation system in urban planning.?International Land Use Symposium 2017.

Münster, S., Georgi, C., Heijne, K., Klamert, K., Noennig, J. R., Pump, M., ...?& van der Meer, H. (2017). How to involve inhabitants in urban design planning by using digital tools? An overview on a state of the art, key challenges and promising approaches.?Procedia Computer Science,?112, 2391-2405.

Noyman, A., Holtz, T., Kr?ger, J., Noennig, J. R., & Larson, K. (2017).?Finding places: HCI platform for public participation in refugees’ accommodation process.?Procedia computer science,?112, 2463-2472.

S?gebrecht, F., Schmiedgen, P., & Noennig, J. R. (2017). Absorptive Capacity in 足球比分,即时比分直播up?s – Organisationale sowie externe Determinanten und ihr Einfluss auf die Wissensakquise junger Unternehmen. ?In T. K?hler, E. Schoop, & N. Kahnwald (Eds.),?Wissensgemeinschaften in Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und ?ffentlicher Verwaltung?(pp. 99-107). Proceedings of 20th Conference GeNeMe.

Schiewe, J., & Ziemer, G. (2017). Finding Places for Refugees with the CityScienceLab at the HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播. In W. Pelka, & F. Kasting (Eds.),?Science and the City: 足球比分,即时比分直播’s Path to a Built Environment Education Perspectives in Metropolitan Research?(pp. 172‐185). Jovis.

Schiewe, J., Kr?ger, J., Zobel, K., & Mensing, T. (2017). Aufbau, Nutzung und Evaluation eines interaktiven Stadtmodells für die partizipative Fl?chensuche für Flüchtlingsunterkünfte. gis.Science:?Die Zeitschrift für Geoinformatik, Ausgabe, 30(2), 31‐39.

Schmiedgen, P., S?gebrecht, F., & Noennig, J. R. (2017). Entrepreneurship on the Road: Sensibilisierung für Digital Business Modeling & Marketing in mobilen Innovationslaboren. ?In T. K?hler, E. Schoop, & N. Kahnwald (Eds.),?Wissensgemeinschaften in Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und ?ffentlicher Verwaltung?(pp. 99-107). Proceedings of 20th Conference GeNeMe.

Stelzle, B., & Noennig, J. R. (2017).?A database for participation methods in urban development.?Procedia computer science,?112, 2416-2425.

Stelzle, B., Jannack, A., & Noennig, J. R. (2017).?Co-design and co-decision: Decision making on collaborative design platforms.?Procedia computer science,?112, 2435-2444.

Weber, V. (2017).?Everyday Urban Design 2: ?berqueren, Unterqueren, Durchqueren. Montagen des Urbanen. Botopress.?


Berger, H., & Weber, V. (2016). Zirkularit?t der Kunst. Künstlerische Praxis als ?berschreibungen des st?dtischen Raumes. In M. Kauppert, & H. Eberl (Eds.),??therische Praxis, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag?(pp. 129145).

Hartmann, U., Noennig, J. R., Jannack, A., & Georgi, C. (2016). I code, u_code, we code-massive Buergerbeteiligung in der Stadtplanung. Wie BIM Buerger und Planer an einen virtuellen Tisch bringt.?Ernst & Sohn Special: BIM-Building Information Modeling.

Noennig, J. R., Jannack, A., F., & Schmiedgen, P. (2016).?Cross Cluster Cooperation – Strategies and tools for emerging industries.?Proceedings of the 11th International Forum for Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) Dresden 2016.

Noennig, J. R., Jannack, A., S?gebrecht, F., & Schmiedgen, P. (2016). Urban business models (UBM): A new perspective on city management and operations.?Proceedings of the 11th International Forum for Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) Dresden 2016.

Noennig, J. R., Schmiedgen P., & Rost, N. (2016).?Visioneering The Future City: A Visual Toolkit for Urban Strategy Making.?Proceedings of the 11th International Forum for Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) Dresden 2016.

Schmiedgen, P., Noennig, J. R., & S?gebrecht, F. (2016).?TRAILS – Traveling innovation labs and services for SMEs and educational institutions in rural regions.?Proceedings of the 11th International Forum for Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) Dresden 2016.


A?mann, K., & Weber, V. (2015). Urbane Künste und Stadtentwicklung im Ruhrgebiet: Ein Gespr?ch mit der Kuratorin Katja A?mann. Derive: Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung, (54), 10-12.

Münster, S., Jannack, A., & Noennig, J. R. (2015). Enabling Massive Participation: Design Blueprint for a Collaborative Urban Design Environment. Proceedings of the 10th International Forum for Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) Bari 2015.

Ziemer, G., & Weber, V. (2015). Konstellationen, Konfrontationen und Kombinationen: Das Ruhrgebiet als urbanes Labor?.?Derive: Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung, (54), 4-9.


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