Selected publications of the research unit

Thiel, J., Dimitrova, V., & Ruge, J. (Eds.). (2021). Constructing Innovation: How Large-Scale Projects Drive Novelty in the Construction Industry. Berlin: Jovis Verlag GmbH. Link

Grabher, G., & Thiel, J. (Eds.). (2015). Self-Induced Shocks: Mega-Projects and Urban Development. Berlin: Jovis Verlag GmbH.

Van Winden, W., De Carvalho, L., Van Tuijl, E., Van Haaren, J., & Van Den Berg, L. (2012). Creating knowledge locations in cities: Innovation and integration challenges (Vol. 54). London: Routledge.

Van Winden, W., Van den Berg, L., Carvalho, L., & Van Tuijl, E. (2010). Manufacturing in the new urban economy (Vol. 42). London: Routledge.



Thiel, J.; Grabher, G. (2023). Abolish, accept, apply: Coping with ignorance in project ecologies.?Project Management Journal, OnlineFirst.


Mello Rose, F., Thiel, J., & Grabher, G. (2022). Selective inclusion: Civil society involvement in the smart city ecology of Amsterdam. European Urban and Regional Studies, 29(3), 369–382.

Mello Rose, F. (2022). Activity types, thematic domains, and stakeholder constellations: Explaining civil society involvement in Amsterdam’s smart city. European Planning Studies, 30(6), 975–993.


Grabher, G. (2021). Enclosure 4.0: Seizing Data, Selling Predictions, Scaling Platforms. Sociologica, 14(3), 241-265.

Dreher, J., & Thiel, J. (2021). Star architecture projects and the geographies of innovation across the construction supply chain: the case of the Elbphilharmonie. European Planning Studies, 0(0), 1–16.

Mello Rose, F. (2021). The unexpected persistence of non-corporate platforms: The role of local and network embeddedness. Digital Geography and Society, 2, 100020.


Grabher, G., & K?nig, J. (2020). Disruption, Embedded. A Polanyian Framing of the Platform Economy. Sociologica, 14(1), 95–118.

Grabher, G., & van Tuijl, E. (2020). Uber-production: From global networks to digital platforms. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 52(5), 1005–1016.

Melchior, A., Schiemer, B., & Grabher, G. (2020). ?H?gerstrand online“: Ein methodisches Konzept zur Analyse raumzeitlicher Trajektorien in Kollaborationen. Raumforschung und Raumordnung Spatial Research and Planning, 78(1), 21–33.


Manske, A. (2019). Hybride Arbeit auf dem Kulturarbeitsmarkt. Nicole Burzan (Hg.) 2019: Komplexe Dynamiken Globaler und Lokaler Entwicklungen. Verhandlungen des 39. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in G?ttingen 2018., 39.

Melchior, A. (2019). Moments of (De)Valuation. Confirmation and Devaluation of Ideas in Creative Processes. Organized Creativity Discussion Paper 19/2, 29.

Schiemer, B., Schü?ler, E., & Grabher, G. (2019). Collaborative Innovation Online: Entanglements of the Making of Content, Skills, and Community on a Songwriting Platform. Managing Inter-Organizational Collaborations: Process Views, 64, 293–316.


Grabher, G. (2018). Marginality as strategy: Leveraging peripherality for creativity. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 50(8), 1785–1794.

Van Tuijl, E., Hospers, G.-J., & Van Den Berg, L. (2018). Opportunities and challenges of urban agriculture for sustainable city development. European Spatial Research and Policy, 25(2), 5–22.

Van Tuijl, E., Carvalho, L., & Dittrich, K. (2018). Beyond the joint-venture: knowledge sourcing in Chinese automotive events. Industry and Innovation, 25(4), 389–407.


Grabher, G., Melchior, A., Schiemer, B., Schü?ler, E., & Sydow, J. (2017). From being there to being aware: Confronting geographical and sociological imaginations of copresence. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 50(1), 245–255.

Thiel, J. (2017). Creative cities and the reflexivity of the urban creative economy. European Urban and Regional Studies, 24(1), 21–34.


Van Tuijl, E., Dittrich, K., & Borg, J. van der. (2016). Upgrading of Symbolic and Synthetic Knowledge Bases: Evidence from the Chinese Automotive and Construction Industries. Industry and Innovation, 23(3), 276–293.

Van Tuijl, E., & Van den Berg, L. (2016). Annual City Festivals as Tools for Sustainable Competitiveness: The World Port Days Rotterdam. Economies, 4(2), 11.


Grabher, G., & Thiel, J. (2015). Projects, people, professions: Trajectories of learning through a mega-event (the London 2012 case). Geoforum, 65, 328–337.

Thiel, J., & Grabher, G. (2015). Crossing Boundaries: Exploring the London Olympics 2012 as a Field-Configuring Event. Industry and Innovation, 22(3), 229–249.

Schü?ler, E., Grabher, G., & Müller-Seitz, G. (2015). Field-Configuring Events: Arenas for Innovation and Learning? Industry and Innovation, 22(3), 165–172.



Grabher, G., & Thiel, J. (2014). Coping with a Self-Induced Shock: The Heterarchic Organization of the London Olympic Games 2012. Social Sciences, 3(3), 527–548.

van Tuijl, E., & Carvalho, L. (2014). Knowledge Sourcing, Knowledge Bases, and the Spatial Organisation of Car Design. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 46(8), 1966–1982.

van Tuijl, E. (2014). Car makers and upgrading: Renault in Romania. Journal of Business Strategy, 35(2), 13–18.


Raufelder, D., Waak, S., Melchior, A., & Ittel, A. (2013). The role of sport involvement and general self-worth in the interplay between body dissatisfaction, worry, and school disaffection in preadolescent boys and girls. Child Development Research, 2013.


Tuijl, E. van, Carvalho, L., Winden, W. van, & Jacobs, W. (2012). Multinational Knowledge Strategies, Policy and the Upgrading Process of Regions: Revisiting the Automotive Industry in Ostrava and Shanghai. European Planning Studies, 20(10), 1627–1646.


Thiel, J. (2008). Lokale Dimensionen der Entgrenzung von Arbeit – ein arbeitsgeographischer Blick auf die Kultur- und Medienwirtschaft. Geographische Zeitschrift, 96(1/2), 62–77.


Thiel, J., Grubbauer, M., & Manderscheid, K. (2024).?Understanding professional agency in urban future-making. In M. Grubbauer, A. Manganelli and L. Volont, (Eds.),?Conflicts in urban future-making. Governance, institutions and transformative change.?(transcript: 47-72 ).

Thiel, J., & Grabher, G. (2024).?Labore und Legitimation: auf dem Weg zur experimentellen Stadt? In S. Frank, S. Güntner, M. Menzl & G. Sturm (Eds.),?Soziologie in der vielschichtigen Stadt (pp. 133-144). Springer VS.


Dreher, J., Alaily-Mattar, N., & Thierstein, A. (2020). The Power of Star Architecture and Iconic Design: Kunsthaus Graz, Austria. In G. Lindsay (Ed.), Museum as Icon, Museum as Place: Architecture and Audience, Meanings and Messages (pp. 23–42). Routledge.

Dreher, J., Alaily-Mattar, N., & Thierstein, A. (2020). The multifarious effects of star architecture. In N. Alaily-Mattar, D. Ponzini, & A. Thierstein (Eds.), About Star Architecture: Reflecting on Cities in Europe. Springer International Publishing.

Thiel, J., & Grabher, G. (2020). Innovation und Pfadabh?ngigkeit: Selbst induzierte Schocks und ihre Konsequenzen. In Stadtsoziologie und Stadtentwicklung (pp. 755–766). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.

Thiel, J. (2020). Digitale Stadt. Stadtentwicklung vom Labor zum Feldversuch. In Wüstenrot-Stiftung (Ed.), Bedingt planbar. St?dtebau und Stadtentwicklung in Deutschland und Europa. Wüstenrot-Stiftung.

Thierstein, A., Alaily-Mattar, N., & Dreher, J. (2020). Star architecture?s interplays and effects on cities. In N. Alaily-Mattar, D. Ponzini, & A. Thierstein (Eds.), About Star Architecture: Reflecting on Cities in Europe. Springer International Publishing.


Alaily-Mattar, N., Dreher, J., Wenner, F., & Thierstein, A. (2018). Public real estate development projects and urban transformation: the case of flagship projects. In G. Squires, E. Heurkens, & R. Peiser (Eds.), Routledge Companion to Real Estate Development (pp. 43–55). Routledge.


Grabher, G., & Ibert, O. (2017). Towards the Schumpeterian Customer? How Active Users Co-create Innovations. In G. L. Clark, M. P. Feldman, M. S. Gertler, & D. Wójcik (Eds.), The New Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography (Vol. 1). Oxford University Press.

Grabher, G., & Ibert, O. (2017). Knowledge Collaboration in Hybrid Virtual Communities. In H. Bathelt, P. Cohendet, S. Henn, & L. Simon (Eds.), The Elgar companion to innovation and knowledge creation. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Grabher, G., & K?nig, J. (2017). Performing Network Theory? Reflexive Relationship Management on Social Network Sites. In B. Hollstein, W. Matiaske, & K.-U. Schnapp (Eds.), Networked Governance: New Research Perspectives (pp. 121–140). Springer International Publishing.

Lelong, B., Nagel, M., & Grabher, G. (2017). Political Deadlock: A Network Analysis of Decision Processes in Urban Politics. In Yearbook of Swiss Administrative Sciences 2017 (pp. 133–149).


Grabher, G., Thiel, J., & Engelbrecht, C. (2015). Urban Mega-Projects as Self-Induced Shocks: Introduction to the Collection. In G. Grabher & J. Thiel (Eds.), Self-Induced Shocks: Mega-Projects and Urban Development (pp. 9–15). Jovis Verlag GmbH.

Grabher, G., & Thiel, J. (2015). Mobilizing action, incorporating doubt. London’s reflexive strategy of hosting the Olympic Games 2012. In G. Grabher & J. Thiel (Eds.), Self-Induced Shocks: Mega-Projects and Urban Development (pp. 99–117). Jovis Verlag GmbH.