Johanna Hautala, University of Oulo, Department of Geography and Geology

Dr. Johanna Hautala is a post doctoral researcher at the Department of Geography of the University of Oulu in Finland and a visiting senior research fellow at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning (IRS) in Erkner/Berlin. Her dissertation “Academic knowledge creation as a spatio-temporal process: the case of international research groups in Finland” was awarded as the best dissertation in economic geography in 2011 by the Economic Geography Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers.

Johanna Hautala's lecture at HCU explores the knowledge creation in international research groups that have become standard practice for universities with international ambitions. International research groups assemble members from different countries and with diverse professional and disciplinary backgrounds. The diversity of international research groups increases the chances to find novel solutions; yet at the same time, diversity also poses formidable challenges when it comes to find common understandings and joint frames of references. Against the background of examples, the lecture elucidates solutions to this dilemma.



