During the registration periods, available courses and modules can be chosen via the ahoi portal, depending on the attended programme. Generally, you will be automatically registered for the exam of the course that you signed up for.
If you have any problems, please contact the ahoi support before the end of the last registration phase.
If you need to withdraw from an exam due to illness, please use the form ‘Exam Withdrawal Request due to illness’.
The original sick note issued by a doctor (‘Arbeitsunf?higkeitsbescheinigung’) needs to be attached to this form. In case you do not receive a hard copy for the employer from your doctor please hand in the signed copy for the insured person (‘Ausfertigung für den Versicherten’) instead. Please make sure it carries the signature of your doctor because sometimes that copy is not signed. For data protection reasons you need to blank out your diagnosis that is listed on the document. In case you do not receive any kind of sick note from your doctor please ask for a medical certificate instead and attach it to the withdrawal form.?
The filled and signed form and the evidence need to submit within three working days after emergence.
If you want to withdraw from an exam due to malfunction during an online exam, please use the form ‘Exam Withdrawal Request due to malfunction’. The evidence of the malfunction needs to be attached to this form.
Should you study at another university in Germany or abroad on the date of an exam and wish to be deregistered from it, please use the ‘Exam Deregistration Request Form’ provided. Also, please inform yourself about the possibility of a ‘semester on leave’ during that time.
The evidence of your stay at another university needs to be attached to the request form. As you will only receive this proof after you started studying at the other university, an exam deregistration can only be requested during that time at the earliest.
The request has to be submitted within the first semester after you returned from the other university and before the start of the next examination period.
If you have already passed an exam, you are not allowed to repeat it. Improvements in grades for completed exam performances are not possible.
Should you have not passed an exam, you have to resit it during the next examination period. The registration for a resit is done by the examination office (Exception: If your module started before the winter semester 2015/16, please send a support ticket via the ahoi portal).
Please apply for the supplementary examination in ahoi via "Help" -> "Support" cn-ticket.hcu-hamburg.de/open.php/.
The following information is required:
- Student number
- Name
- Study program
- Examination number
- Course/Module
- Examiner
For BIW students: If the regular form of examination is a written exam, you will take part in the next exam date. The exam dates are announced at the beginning of the lecture period. Therefore, no individual arrangement with the lecturer is required. This regulation does not apply to exams in the FaSt area (e.g. History). For these exams, other forms of examination can be arranged.
If the supplementary examination is your last examination, you have the option of requesting a different form of examination, e.g. an oral examination. In this case, please contact the relevant lecturers and the examination board.
There are special regulations that need to be complied for exam performances during a semester on leave.
Generally, during a semester on leave you are not allowed to attend courses at the HCU and you are not entitled to complete exam performances or to earn credit points.
You are only allowed to resit an exam, if you have not passed it in the previous semester. When requesting a semester on leave, please indicate if you would like to resit exams and which ones you are going to attend, respectively.