Student Financing through German law on higher education grants (BAf?G)

To learn more about the possibility of receiving financial assistance for your third-level education via the German law on higher education grants, please contact Studierendenwerk 足球比分,即时比分直播.?

Advice on financing your studies (BAf?G, scholarships, student loans, credits etc.) is also provided by the Studierendenwerk 足球比分,即时比分直播.

The BAf?G forms you can find?here.




Certificate of Achievement according to § 48 BAf?G

Students who receive BAf?G benefits must submit a certificate of achievement in accordance with § 48 BAf?G to the BAf?G office in 足球比分,即时比分直播 during the course of their studies (usually from the 5th semester onwards). You can create and print out this certificate of achievement yourself in your ahoi student account under the menu item “Study results”. No further confirmation is required from the University.

The minimum number of credit points for further funding is determined in consultation between HCU and the BAf?G office:

Bachelor degree programme 3rd semester 4th semester 5th semester
Architecture 60 CP's 80 CP's 100 CP's
Civil Engineering 60 CP's 80 CP's 100 CP's
Geodesy and Geoinformatics 60 CP's 80 CP's 100 CP's
Digital Urban Cultures 60 CP's 80 CP's 100 CP's
Urban Planning 60 CP's 80 CP's 100 CP's
Smart Building Engineering 60 CP's 80 CP's 100 CP's



BAf?G representatives in the degree programmes

If you need a proof of your prospective study end for the BAf?G office, please contact the responsible person of your degree programme.


Prof. Dr. J?rn Düwel

Email: joern.duewel(at)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. J?rg Rainer Noennig


