Level 5 Indoor Navigation (L5 IN)
Gru?wort Staatssekret?r Stefan Schnorr (BMDV) zum Projektabschluss
Prof. Dr. J?rg Müller-Lietzkow
President of HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播 (HCU) and Professor of Economics and Digitalization
Prof. Dr. Harald Sternberg
Vice President for Teaching and Digitization HCU and Professor for Hydrography and Geodesy
The L5 IN project deals with real-time navigation inside of buildings, using 5G and smartphone sensors. The project demonstrates the feasibility of the transition from outdoor to indoor environments in terms of navigation.
The aim of the Level 5 Indoor Navigation (L5 IN) project is to use the newly introduced 5G technology to demonstrate, based on a research-oriented model project, how indoor navigation systems can function. Such systems were previously only known in the outdoor segment (through GPS) but can now also be integrated into existing smartphone systems within the context of indoor navigation.
The project combines an interdisciplinary approach - based on approaches and methods form geodesy, Building Information Modeling (BIM), software development, computer graphics, machine learning and communication technology to develop a practice-oriented solution approach that can be further adapted by industry and research.
The developed application will later be made available open source for other applications.
Project duration: 10/2019 - 09/2022
Due to its complexity the project includes various research areas. Here some of the topics are briefly presented:
- Positioning: The positioning of users within an indoor environment works based on smartphone sensors and 5G. In this way indoor navigation is autonomous and possible at any time.
? - San2BIM: The "Scan2BIM" process enables the automated creation of detailed building data models for an up-to-date physical representation of the built environment. A point cloud acquired by laser scanning is further processed to produce an "ACTUAL" representation as BIM.
? - 5G Research Campus HafenCity University: A 5G non-standalone campus network is being built at HCU. A 4G LTE core network is used in combination with a 5G NR access network. The combined frequency spectrum will be used for indoor navigation.
? - Indoor Navigation App: In order to transfer the theoretical research results into practice developed algorithms are implemented in an indoor navigation app. This app can be used to navigate to people, rooms and points of interest in the prototype environment HCU.
M.Sc. Nils Hellweg (project manager and BIM) ????????????
T +49 40 42827-4534
M.Sc. Cigdem Askar (Laserscanning)?????? ????????????
T +49 40 42827-4573
M.Sc. Caroline Schuldt (Databases)??????? ????????????
T +49 40 42827-5217
M.Sc. Hossein Shoushtari (Positioning)? ????????????
T +49 40 42827-4595
M.Sc. Dorian Harder (Positioning)?????????? ????????????
T +49 40 42827-4595
Dr. rer. Nat. Vladeta Stojanovic (BIM, AI) ????????????
T +49 40 42827-5209
WELT (16.09.2019) "Zehn Millionen für Indoor-Navigation" (German)
"Digitization and climate, these two topics of the future are what the new president of HafenCity University, Prof. J?rg Müller-Lietzkow, wants to tackle. There was ten million from the federal government for new research."
Momentum Magazin (18.09.2019) "5G-Projekt wird vom BMVI gef?rdert" (German)
"Federal Ministry of Transport funds 5G project at HCU 足球比分,即时比分直播 with 10 million euros".
足球比分,即时比分直播er Abendblatt (27.08.2021) "Verkehrsminister Scheuer lobt 足球比分,即时比分直播er Projekte" (German)
"Level 5 Indoor" and "足球比分,即时比分直播 Wireless Innovation Competence Center" have attracted the interest of Federal Transport Minister Scheuer."