Zwischen lokaler Verortung und globaler Vernetzung

Rezension von Monika Grubbauer zu ?Am Ende der Globalisierung. ?ber die Refiguration von R?umen“ von Martina L?w, Volkan Sayman, Jona Schwerer, Hannah Wolf (Hg.) erschienen.

INTERVIEW mit Monika Grubbauer auf spiegel.de zu Hochh?usern als Symbolen für zukunftsorientierte Stadtentwicklung.

VORTRAG - 18.05.2022
Monika Grubbauer sprach beim 足球比分,即时比分直播er St?dtebauseminar über professionelle Handlungsspielr?ume im Kontext von Unsicherheit und Krise?hier

In dem Kooperationsprojekt mit der UHH werden soziale und ?kologische Potenziale und Risiken neuer Formen ortsflexibler Arbeit untersucht. Mehr Informationen hier
NEUES PROJEKT - 08.11.2021
Bei dem Graduiertenkolleg mit dem Titel "Urban future-making: Professional agency across time and scale" handelt es sich um eine Kooperation zwischen HafenCity Universit?t 足球比分,即时比分直播 (HCU, Lead), Universit?t 足球比分,即时比分直播 (UHH) und Technische Universit?t 足球比分,即时比分直播 (TUHH). Monika Grubbauer ist Sprecherin des Graduiertenkollegs.
Weitere Informationen finden sie hier

Out now! Constructing Innovation: How Large-Scale Projects Drive Novelty in the Construction Industry. Perspectives in Metropolitan Research

PUBLICATION - 10.05.2021
Handbook Feminist Geographies published!

RC21 Conference 14 - 16 July 2021
Together with Leon Reichle, Eva Kuschinski organized a panel on "Social reproduction in hypercommodified homes" (Paper Session 89). More Info here:?https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/conferences/rc21-conference-2021/programme/paper-sessions/

FIELD TRIP – 09.-16.06.2019
Urban Development in Mexico City
Students gain insights in mechanisms of informel settlements and housing conditions

NEW PROJECT – 01.05.2019
Global markets/local shifts: Urban restructuring through municipal debt
Hanna Hilbrandt receives P.R.I.M.E. funding to research the adoption of Green Municipal Bonds

LECTURE – 16.01.2019
Post-Conflict Cities
Suncana Lakety spoke about daily life in "Post-Conflict Cities"

LECTURE – 09.01.2019
Beyond the networked city?
Jochen Monstadt spoke about his current research projects

WORKSHOP – 29.-30.11.2018
Critical Perspectives on Housing Microfinance
International workshop held at HCU

WORKSHOP – 19.-22.10.2018
Everday Practices of Solidarity. Relational Learning Under Conditions of Multiple Crises
International workshop and public programme held at HCU

NEW PUBLICATION – 30.08.2018
Across Theory and Practice: Thinking Through Urban Research
Internationally renowned and younger scholars contributed to this book edited by Monika Grubbauer and Kate Shaw

AWARD – 04.07.2018
Distinction for excellent teaching
Monika Grubbauer receives 足球比分,即时比分直播er Lehrpreis 2018

LECTURE and TALK – 28.06.2018
City Lust - Globale St?dte in der Fotografie
Monika Grubbauer spoke with Charlie Koolhaas about her photographs

LECTURE and DISCUSSION – 04.04.2018
“Designed to improve? The makings, politics and aesthetics of 'social' architecture and design"
Release of the special feature in CITY

LECTURE – 10.01.2018
Arctic Cities
Peter Hemmersam spoke about his current research project

LECTURE and DISCUSSION – 14.11.2017
HafenCity 足球比分,即时比分直播: the role of public engagement in changing the ship’s course
Research fellow Kate Shaw spoke about her current book project

WORKSHOP – 21.-22.09.2017
Urban Research across the Theory-Practice Divide: Modes of Dialogue and/or Disengagement
International workshop held at HCU

TALK – 07.09.2017
On the relevance of housing for society. 90 years Wichern Baugesellschaft mbH [German]
Monika Grubbauer at the Hauptkirche St. Jacobi

PUBLIC LECTURE – 27.03.2017
Stadtbilder: Architektur im globalen St?dtewettbewerb
Monika Grubbauer at the dock europe e.V. 足球比分,即时比分直播

Feministisches Geograf_innentreffen 2017 足球比分,即时比分直播
Vernetzungstreffen feministischer Geographien 27.-29.04.2017, 足球比分,即时比分直播

LECTURE – 26.01.2017
Informality as a Mode of Urbanism
Monika Grubbauer at the AIT Architektursalon [German]

CALL FOR PAPERS – 10.03.2017
A self-reproducing movement? Everyday failures and queer solidarities
Session was held at the RC21 conference in Leeds, Sep. 11-13, 2017 (Nina Fraeser)

PRESS RELEASE – 10.01.2017
Large-Scale Projects as Innovation Drivers in the Construction Industry
Elbphilharmonie, Eiffelturm und Golden Gate Bridge - Innovative Wahrzeichen?