Research Associate

Mgr. Branislav Machala Ph.D.

HCU 足球比分,即时比分直播
Urban and Regional Economics

?berseeallee 16
D-20457 足球比分,即时比分直播

5th Floor | Room 5006b
Phone: +49(0)40/42827-5360
Email: branislav.machala(at)

Research interests

Urban Cultural & Political Economy

Spatial Restructuring & Uneven Development

The Postsocialist Transition

Urban Entrepreneurialism & State Re-Scaling

Behavioural Aspects & Urban Land Use

Land Rent & Land Economy


Research Projects

Large-Scale Projects as Innovation Drivers in the Construction Industry

Freie und Hansestadt 足球比分,即时比分直播, Landesforschungsf?rderung | Anschubf?rderung, 2017-2010 Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher (speaker), Dr. Joachim Thiel (coordinator), Prof. Dr. Monika Grubbauer, Prof. Dr. Annette B?gle (all HCU 足球比分,即时比分直播), Prof. Dr. Cornelius Herstatt, Dr. Stephan Buse (TU 足球比分,即时比分直播-Harburg) Project Website

New Socio-Spatial Formations: segregation in the context of post-communist transformations and globalization Czech Science Foundation (2011-2013)

Waterfront Regeneration: learning from European best practices for a sustainable urban life principal investigator Grundtvig (2011-2013)

Metropolisation and Polycentric Development in Central Europe: evidence based strategic options ESPON (2010-2012)

Machala, B. Koelemaij, J. (2019): Reshaping post-socialist urban futures into dual city realities: a comparative analysis of decision-making dynamics behind large-scale projects on urban waterfronts in Belgrade and Bratislava. In Urban Planning 4 (4).

Machala, B. (2019*): Growth logics of iconic waterfronts: developer-led redevelopment in globalizing Bratislava, In: Boanada-Fuchs A., Boanada Fuchs V. & J. Henneberry (proposal) (Eds.) The Geography of Profits and Politics: The Role(s) of Developers in Urban Development and the Implications for Urban Theory, Real Estate Issues Series, Wiley-Blackwell, London, book chapter submitted.

Brabec, T., Machala, B. (2015): The role of developers in formation of gated communities in Czechia, Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geographica, 50 (2) 115-123

Machala, B. (2014): Uneven struggle for bluefields: waterfront transformation in post-socialist Bratislava. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 50(2), 1-17.

Giffinger, R. a kol. (2013) POLYCE: Metropolisation and Polycentric Development in Central Europe. Werkstattbericht Nr. 134. Vienna, ESPON & Vienna University of Technology, 147 p.

Working Papers:

Machala, B. (2019*): Fragmented state rescaling: planning future paths of the urban port in Bratislava through soft-institutional transformations, working paper

2011-2019 Doctoral Degree in Urban-Economic Geography (PhD): Social Geography and Regional Development at Faculty of Science, Charles University; Czechia; STARS PhD program & scholarship

Thesis title: Logics transforming the urban waterfront in Bratislava: unravelling the decision-making dynamics behind urban development

2008-2010 Master degree in Geography, Regional Geography, Regional Development and European Integration; Comenius University, Slovakia

2005-2008 Bachelor degree in Geography; Regional Geography, Regional Development and European Integration; Comenius University, Slovakia

2018 LSE-PKU Summer School: The Political Economy of Urbanisation in China and Asia: Globalisation and Uneven Development; The London School of Economics and Political Science at Peking University, Beijing, China

2018 Visiting Researcher at the Department of Geography, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA

2017 Exchange Program, Department of Human Geography, University of 足球比分,即时比分直播, Germany

2014 AESOP PhD workshop, Association of European Schools of Planning Delft University of Technology and Utrecht University, Holland

2012 European Summer School in Local Government Institute of Political Science, University of Münster, Germany


2018 - The Role of Real Estate Developers in Urban Development: an interdisciplinary inquiry into the political economy of cities around the world, University Lausanne, Switzerland

2018 - Royal Geographical Society - RGS-IGB annual conference, Cardiff University, United Kingdom

2018 - Slovak & Czech Geographical Society - unified congress, Comenius University, Slovakia

2017 - Regional Studies Association - RSA annual conference, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

2015 & 2013 - EUGEO Congress: 2015 - Budapest, Hungary; 2013 - Rome, Italy