Project 1
In REAP project one the students will conduct case studies focusing on the specific measures of project management, cooperation of actors, use of formal and informal planning instruments, design of the planning procedure, communication strategies, and quality management. The studies also encompass a brief description of the applied technical measures to ensure the quarters’ resource efficiency (especially with a view to water, energy, material, and noise). However, the main aim of the project is to learn about the complex interaction of key actors, instruments, and procedures in sustainable urban development.
Project I in winter semester 2020/2021 had the topic:
"Sustainable Urban Development in International Cities: How cities can become more resilient to climate change?"
Course Overview
Rapid urbanization and pressure on resources are rapidly growing while a changing climate and inadequate infrastructure are posing a significant challenge to the resilience of cities and societies. Climate change impacts range from an increase in extreme weather events, drought and flooding to heat waves, causing serious damage to human health, livelihoods, environment and economy.
Besides mitigation initiatives, adjustments measures must be in place to build resilience in cities and reduce its vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. Many cities are developing strategies at different spatial and societal scales to achieve their development goals. You will analyze such adaptation & mitigation plans for international cities in different climate zones. Groups may choose one to two sectoral focus areas (e.g. water, energy, mobility, materials, waste, or food) to trace sectoral planning and implementation in their respective case studies.
Throughout the project, students shall prove that they are able to work on larger and interdisciplinary exercises in a short, fixed period. Core objectives are:
? Gain a basic understanding of sustainable urban development with focus on urban water, energy, and material flows as well as the related strategies and measures of climate adaptation & Mitigation.
? Understanding the roles of city governments and communities in adaptation strategies (top-down & bottom-up approaches)
? Learn how to work in an interdisciplinary team
? Acquire self-directed learning (researching, assessing, questioning, developing)
? Experience intercultural teamwork
? Strengthen communication skills and scientific writing
? Build up professional expertise (content, teamwork, presentation skills, time management)
Task 1 - Research Exercise (your city)
Task 2 - Exposé & Research Question
Task 3 - Intermediate Presentation
Task 4 - Final Presentation
Task 5 - Final Paper