Reference management

A reference management tool may be a good support for writing scientific texts. You can:

> collect and save references,
> organize your literature sources and keep track,
> select the appropriate citation style from a wide range of options,
> insert citations correctly into your text and
> automatically create and update your bibliography.

Which tool is the right one for me?

An overview of all current licensable and free programs can be found in the software comparison "Literaturverwaltungsprogramme im Vergleich" by the University Library of the TU Munich.

Support from the HCU-library

The HCU-library offers workshops and individual consultation on these three reference management tools:


Citavi offers various options for organizing and editing literature sources.

Operating system Windows
Word processing Word, BibTeX-Export
Download First download the Citavi free version and install it on your computer. To install the free version on an HCU computer, please use the Matrix Software Depot.
Campus license Create a Citavi account with your HCU e-mail address. Open Citavi and click on the login icon in the start window. Enter your access data for the Citavi account. The license data will be recognized automatically.
License terms License Agreement
Number of citation styles more than 11.000
Features > Local projects or cloud projects
> Possibility to work in a team
> Capture quotes, thoughts and comments
> Edit PDF files
> Create the outline
> Task planning
Browser Add-On Citavi-Picker
Tutorial Organizing knowledge with Citavi
Handbook Citavi Manual
Knowledge base Citavi Knowledge

Endote is exclusively in English.

Operating system Windows, Mac
Word processing Word, Open Office, Google Docs
Download Appsanywhere
Campus license Will be automatically activated while installing from Appsanywhere.
License terms End user License Agreement
number of citation styles more than 7.000
Features > Possibilty to work in a team
> Tags for organization
> PDF viewer with annotation options
Browser Add-On Endnote Click
Tutorial How to manage your references and PDFs
Knowledge base Alfasoft Support & Knowledge Base


Zotero is an open source program and can be used free of charge.

Operating System Windows, Linux, Mac
Word processing Word, Libre Office, Google Docs
Download Zotero
License terms Terms of Service
number of citation styles more than 10.000
Features > Possibilty to work in a team (storage space limit: 300 MB)
> Tags for organization
> PDF viewer with annotation options
Browser Add-On Zotero Connector
Tutorial Introduction to Zotero
Dokumentation Zotero documentation




Martina Goldmann
Tel: +49 (0) 40 300880-5687
e-mail: digitaledienste(at)


The library offers advisory service, coffee lectures and workshops on this topic.


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