E-Book offerings
We have licensed a large number of ebooks from various publishers for HafenCity University 足球比分,即时比分直播 (HCU). The number of our ebooks is constantly growing. With our literature search engine you can search specifically for ebooks and other digital media that are licensed for HCU. To do so, limit the hit list using "Restricting to E-Resources".
Within the HCU network you can access the ebooks directly. If you are working outside the HCU network, please use the VPN client or Shibboleth (information about using e-media).
In addition to the ebooks licensed to HCU, there is also access to a large number of open access ebooks.
All ebooks can be read online. Downloading, saving and printing is generally possible in full or chapter by chapter for own scientific use, provided that copyright is respected. Exceptions are listed under the respective publishers.
Below you will find more detailed information and publishers whose major ebook collections have been released for HCU:
The HCU has licensed a large number of titles from Bloomsbury's Architecture collection.
De Gruyter offers titles in all relevant subject areas. Limited until March 31, 2025, the library have access to more than 107,000 e-books from the de Gruyter publishing house, including most partner publishers, such as Birkh?user or transcript. At the end of the license period, the titles that are in particularly high demand are included in the library's collection and will thus be permanently available. In addition, a large number of titles (for example, in the field of architecture and design) are already permanently licensed for HCU.
As an aggregator platform, Ebook Central offers e-books from various publishers from all relevant subject areas. Licensed are individual e-books related to topics of the HCU.
The e-books can be read online. The number of simultaneous accesses varies depending on the license. A limited number of pages is available for printing, saving and downloading per 24 hours. The number of pages is displayed for each e-book in the title details. In some cases, a complete download of the e-book is also possible. However, access to the downloaded file is then limited in time here.
An extensive selection of ebooks is available for a limited time until December 31, 2025. After this period, the most important titles will remain permanently licensed.
An extensive selection of ebooks is available for a limited time until December 31, 2025. After this period, the most important titles will remain permanently licensed.
Hanser offers e-books for sale in packages on the subject areas of technology, natural sciences, economics and computer science. E-books in the topics of civil engineering and construction are licensed for HCU. In addition, topic packages in the area of data science, AI and automation have been licensed.
The MIT Press Computing & Engineering Collection eBooks Library contains nearly 900 media, including textbooks and reference works. Access is via the IEEE Xplore Plattform.
Through Dec. 31, 2026, HCU members have access to more than 150 digital textbooks from Pearson Publishing. The textbooks provide foundational knowledge on many different topics, such as mathematics, chemistry, and physics.
The e-books can be read online. Printing is possible page by page. Downloading and saving are not possible.
The Rudolf Müller media group offers e-books in the areas of planning, building and real estate.
The HCU has licenced e-books packages on the topics of planning and building, site management and organization, roofing, timber construction, barrier-free construction, fire protection, polluts and damage as well as building pollutants and indoor air.
Springer Nature publishes on all relevant subject areas.?The complete list of new publications from recent years in the fields of Earth & Environmental Science, Energy, Technology & Computer Science, Social Sciences and Law as well as Natural Sciences is available. But you will also find books from other subject areas such as economics, engineering or artificial intelligence (list of results from the library catalog).
Licensed are individual e-books related to topics of the HCU. The focus here is on urban planning, urban design, REAP and metropolitan culture. Taylor&Francis publishes mainly in English.
Until 31.12.2025 there is limited access to all textbooks (studi-e-books) from UTB. The publisher offers textbooks on key study skills, but also on various other topics such as culture, geosciences, and sociology. After the license period expires, the titles that are in particularly high demand will become part of the library's collection and will thus be permanently available.
Das Buchprogramm des VDE-Verlags umfasst neben den Kommentaren zu den Normen des VDE Verlags Titel u.a. zu Architektur und (technische) Geb?udetechnik (lizenzierte Titel)
The publisher offers e-books on diverse topics, such as geosciences, engineering, technology, and social sciences. Access to all e-books in the Wiley Online Library was available until 31.12.2021. Now that this license period ended, titles that were in particularly high demand became part of the library's collection and will thus be permanently available. A large number of individual e-books are also already permanently licensed for HCU (licenced titles).