Standards & Guidelines

DIN standards and VDI guidelines

Perinorm turns into nautos!

In the nautos database you can search all DIN standards (including DIN-EN, DIN-ISO, DIN-ETS and DIN-IEC standards) and VDI guidelines in full text.

Please note the following terms of use:

Only students and employees of HCU are permitted to print out documents from nautos. All other users can only research the standards in nautos in the HCU library.

According to the contract with beuth Verlag, university members may save extracts of the researched data and make paper copies (saving and printing) exclusively for their own academic use.

> Searching in nautos

To access nautos via VPN, please use the MFA-HCU-SSLVPN.



DIN standards with VDE marking (VDE regulations), VDE guidelines, pre-standards and supplementary sheets as well as policy documents of the VDE can be viewed in the VDE standards library.

The licence does not include printing and storage functions.
Members of the HCU and external users are authorized to use the VDE standards library.

> Searching in the VDE Standards Library (in German)

To access via VPN, please use the HCU-SSL-VPN exclusively.


DWA bulletins and ATV guidelines

The rules of the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste, (Deutschen Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V., formerly Abwassertechnische Vereinigung ATV) contains all valid DWA bulletins and ATV guidelines on wastewater, soil/waste and water management.

The database is only available to HCU members. Free registration with the HCU e-mail address ( is required. Only one person can access the database at time.

> Search in the DWA rules and regulations


Technical Rules and Regulations for the Road Sector

The collection of technical regulations and official provisions for the road sector is available online to all HCU members. To access via VPN, please use the HCU-SSL-VPN exclusively.

> Road construction A-Z digital (in German)


GEFMA Guidelines

Via nautos you have access to all guidelines of GEFMA, the German Association for Facility Management (Deutscher Verband für Facility Management e.V.).

Some GEFMA guidelines are available for HCU members for reference use in the library. These titles can be found in our library catalog



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